Monday 6.10
Name game: You have 20 minutes to plan for the zombie apocalypse — what do you do?
Warm up: 2 minutes jump rope practice then rounds of 10 air squats, 10 down dog with alternating to touch, 5 monster walks
Strength: 5×5 back squat
*aim for >75% of your 1 rep max, using the same load for all 5 sets. Max reps last set.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
30 double unders
10 American KBS 32/24
30 double unders
10 goblet squats 32/24
How to scale: Modify to maintain a pace faster than 2:30 per round.
Double unders: Spend no more than :35 per set on attempts or single-single doubles.
KB swings: Use a lighter kettlebell and/or stop at shoulder height. You should be able to do all 10 reps in a row.
Goblet squats: Use a lighter kettlebell. You should be able to do all 10 reps in a row.
Objective: Our back squat cycle starts today, working toward a 1 rep max test in mid-July. For today, we’re doing 5 sets of 5 targeting a load for all sets that is at least 75% of your current max. The WOD is a quick combo of jump rope and kettlebell skills. Try to stay unbroken. Can you get more than 5 rounds? More than 6?
Score: squat weights and rounds & reps
Tuesday 6.11
Name game: If you could remove one word from the dictionary, what would it be?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 6 minute EMOM
5 touch-and-go power clean & jerks
*same load all 6 sets
WOD: 4 rounds, 2 minutes each, for max reps
10 strict pull-ups
Max reps dumbbell bench press 50/35
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Accumulate 1 minute of plank hold during this time.
How to scale: Ensure you’re getting at least :30 per round on the DB bench.
Pull-ups: Keep the strict stimulus! Accumulate as many strict pull-ups as you can in about 1:15 or do banded strict pull-ups, jumping pull-ups with a slow negative, or challenging ring rows.
DB bench: Use lighter dumbbells such that you can do sets of at least 8-10 reps at a time.
Objective: As with the snatches last Friday, you’re completing 30 reps of the clean & jerk within a relatively short time frame today. And like last Friday, this will be the higher intensity portion of the day. The WOD is another chance to get in some strict gymnastics volume and build both pulling and pressing strength.
Score: clean & jerk load and total DB bench reps
Wednesday 6.12
Name game: What type of cardio can you do for the longest without losing your mind?
Warm up: coach-led track drills
WOD: AMREPs in 30 minutes
2 rounds of:
5 minute max calorie row or Echo bike
5 minutes max burpees
5 minutes max calorie Echo bike or row
How to scale: Do straight-arm burpees if needed.
Accessory: tabata hollow hold
Objective: Constant movement is the goal today! The only thing forcing you to take breaks on this workout is your head, so turn your brain off and get comfortable being uncomfortable for these 30 minutes.
Score: total reps
Thursday 6.13
Name game: Would you rather be able to change your past or see your future?
Warm up: coach-led barbell & RMU skill work
WOD: “Amanda” (compare to: 12/8/22)
For time *14 minute cap
ring muscle up
squat snatch 135/95
How to scale: Pick options you can do for quick singles.
Ring muscle-ups: Sub bar muscle-ups or count attempts on the rings; or do 9-7-5 of the most challenging pull-up (chest to ring/bar, strict, etc.) and dip (strict ring, matador, etc.) that you can.
Squat snatches: Pick a weight you can do for quick singles. If needed, perform a power snatch followed by an overhead squat.
Accessory: 3-5 rounds for quality
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
10/10 single arm DB rows
Objective: “Amanda” is a Crossfit benchmark combining a complex gymnastics skill and a complex weightlifting skill. If one or both of these movements is a strength for you, try to string together unbroken reps and make this a true sprint. For most, however, finding modifications you can do for quick singles will be your best option. In either case, the workout should be on the quicker side, leaving you with time to work through the single-leg and single-arm accessory work.
Score: time to complete
Friday 6.14
Name game: What was the first kind of cell phone you had?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 good mornings, 5 inchworms
WOD: 3 rounds for time *30 minute cap
800m run
25 toes to bar
25 deadlifts 225/155
*In case of rain: 50/35 calorie Echo bike; 2k bike erg; 1000m row
How to scale: Adjust by modifying skills or reducing reps to stay under 10 minutes per round.
Run: Consider reducing the distance if your mile time is slower than 10 minutes.
Toes to bar: Reduce the reps to 15-20 per round or sub knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Deadlifts: Pick a weight you can do for 12+ unbroken reps when fresh. Err on the side of too light.
Objective: It’s another long one today. Aim for even pacing throughout this three-rounder: moderate effort on the runs, then consistent sets of 5-10 reps at a time on the toes to bar and deadlifts. Make it your goal to have your third round be just as quick as your first!
Score: time to complete
Saturday 6.15
Name game: What movie or TV show are you most able to quote from memory?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
50 pogo burpees over 1 DB (lateral)
50 DB push press (2 DBs) 50/35
50 burpee box jump overs 24/20
50 DB renegade rows 50/35
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired. Solo: half reps.
How to scale: Modify with the aim of finishing at least 2 rounds.
Pogo burpees: Use straight arms and step over the DB or remain in place.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight arm burpees and/or jump over a lower box (step overs in case of injury).
DB push press & renegade rows: Use lighter dumbbells such that you can sustain sets of 8-10 reps at a time.
Objective: Lots of burpees, and lots of upper body dumbbell skills. As always, have a plan for trading off with your partner before you slow down. Sets of 5-10 reps at a time will work well for most.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 6.16
Strength: Front Squat:
4×5 @ 70% of 1RM
1×3 @ 75% of 1RM
2×2 @ 80% of 1RM
1×1 @ 90% of 1RM
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