Monday 6.12
Name game: What was your first magazine subscription?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 scap pull-ups, 10 pvc pass-throughs, 10 pvc thrusters
Strength: thruster 5×3
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
4 ring muscle-ups
8 toes to rings (or T2B)
12 DB thrusters 50/35
Lifestyle: bar muscle-ups or 4 strict C2B or banded C2B pull-ups + 4 strict dips or 4 ring rows + 4 box dips; K2E/knee raises; lighter dumbbells
Cooldown: 1 minute/side couch stretch, 1 minute wall shoulder stretch
Objective: Focus on the heavy thrusters today, and aim for a heavier weight than you used for the 3×5 on May 26. (Keep in mind, however, that we are testing a benchmark tomorrow. If you’re looking to optimize your score there, take it easier today.) Work through the ring muscle-ups or an appropriate modification, and scale the toes to bar/rings to stay unbroken and dumbbells to complete each round in 1 or 2 sets.
Score: thruster weights and rounds & reps
Tuesday 6.13
Name game: What’s the best flavor of potato chip?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: “Ingrid” *10 minute cap
10 rounds for time:
3 power snatches 135/95
3 burpees over the bar (lateral)
Lifestyle: reduce weight; straight-arm burpees/step-overs
Accessory: 15 minutes to complete rounds of:
5/5 kettlebell windmills
10/10 kettlebell side bends
20m/side single KB overhead walk
Cooldown: 1 minute child’s pose, 1 minute/side pigeon
Objective: Ingrid is one of CrossFit’s newer benchmark “girls,” a variation on Isabel (30 snatches for time). Use the same weight for this workout that you would for Isabel. You should be able to do each set touch-and-go or as quick singles and keep the transition between snatches and burpees as quick as possible. After the WOD, take your time working through the accessory movements, which focus on your core and specifically the oblique muscles.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 6.14
Name game: Would you rather be stranded on a desert island all alone or with your worst enemy?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 good mornings, 10 air squats, 10 glute bridges
Strength: deadlift 4×8
WOD: 3 6-round tabatas, no rest between
jumping squats
ring rows
jumping lunges
Lifestyle: remove jumps
Cooldown: 1 minute standing forward fold
Objective: The focus today is on the heavy deadlift, aiming for heavier weights than you used for the 3×10 on June 1. The workout is three consecutive tabatas. Though there is no rest between them, your legs will get a break during the middle portion. Try to keep moving through all 6 intervals of each.
Score: deadlift weights & reps for each tabata
Thursday 6.15
Name game: Where are you planning to travel this summer?
Warm up: Rowling (push-up penalty), then work up to your bench press weight
WOD: 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off* for 5 rounds:
500m row (cap: 2:15)
Max reps bench press 135/95
*During each rest interval: accumulate 1 minute hanging from a pull-up bar (Rx+ 90 seconds)
Lifestyle: reduce weight to something you can do for at least 10-15 reps in a row
Cooldown: 1 minute/side wall chest stretch, 1 minute forearm stretch
Objective: Pick a pace for the rows that you can sustain for all 5 rounds, pushing hard enough to give yourself plenty of time on the bench but with enough in reserve to get right to work on the bench press. The built-in rest today is not fully restful: you’ll be spending part of it further working your grip. Aim to finish each hang in 3 or fewer sets.
Score: total bench reps
Friday 6.16
Name game: If you could only have 3 apps on your phone, which would they be?
Warm up: 200m run then review skills in wod
WOD: For time *35 minute cap
150 double unders
1000m run
50 pull-ups
150 double unders
1000m run
40 handstand push-ups
150 double unders
1000m run
30 burpee box jumps 24/20
*In case of rain, sub 60/48 calorie bike or 75/60 calorie row
Lifestyle: DU practice/attempts capped at 3 minutes per set or 30/24 bike; 800m run; banded/jumping pull-ups or ring rows; pike push-ups or z-press; straight-arm burpee step-ups
Cooldown: 1 minute/side calf stretch
Objective: We’re ending the week with a long chipper. Pace yourself: take intentional breaks on the jump rope, keep the runs at around mile pace or slightly slower, and chip away at the gymnastics skills with small sets.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 6.17
Name game: What’s your favorite thing about your current job?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
40/35/30 calorie bike
40 parallette shoot throughs *resting partner holds plank
10 squat cleans 205/145
Lifestyle: box shoot-throughs, reduce weight to a heavy set of 1-2
Objective: This partner workout comes down to the heavy squat cleans at the end of each round, which you’ll be reaching with tired lungs and legs from the bike and a tired core from the shoot-throughs and plank holds. Take a moment to collect yourself and make sure you’re setting up well for each rep.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 6.18
Strength: Part A: Bench Press 4 Sets @ 75%, Max reps in 45 secs *Rest 1:30 between sets
Part B: Strict Press 5×5
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