Monday 6.17
Name game: Where do you feel most at home when you’re not at home?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 5 burpees, 10 down dog w/ toe touch, 5 divebomber push-ups
WOD: 2 rounds, each for time *13 minute cap for round 1; 30 minute total cap
handstand push-ups
burpee pull-ups
alt. DB snatch 50/35
*rest 4 minutes between rounds
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap on round 1, meaning a pace of at least 11-12 reps per minute on average. As written, there is a total volume of 96 reps of each movement. If needed, reduce the rep scheme to 18-12-6.
Handstand push-ups: Use an ab mat or sub pike push-ups or z-press. Aim for sets of at least 8 reps at a time.
Burpee pull-ups: Use a lower pull-up bar or do burpees + ring rows.
DB snatch: Use a lighter dumbbell. You should be able to do these unbroken or in two sets.
Objective: We’ve got two WODs for the price of one today, with the goal being two 9-12 minute efforts. Aim to complete each skill in no more than 2-3 sets. Beating the cap on the first half should be manageable enough that you’re able to keep up a similar pace the second time through.
Score: time for each round
Coach’s note: athletes rest 4 minutes from the time they finish round 1, not from the 13:00 mark. Athletes capped on round 1 should rest from 13:00-17:00 then start round 2.
Tuesday 6.18
Name game: If aliens showed up and said “take me to your leader,” who would you take them to?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 4 shuttle runs, 10 lunges with a twist, 5 squats to hip hinge, 5 air squats
Strength: 5×4 back squat
*aim for 80%+ of your 1 rep max. Max reps last set.
WOD: 5 rounds, 1:30 each, for max reps
10 shuttle runs (25’/25’)
max jumping alternating lunges
*Rest :30 between rounds
How to scale: Walk parts of the shuttle runs and/or do alternating lunges without the jumps.
Objective: It’s week 2 of our back squat cycle and you should be building on last week’s weight for today’s 5×4. The workout is short bodyweight intervals with even shorter rest. In some workouts, walking the shuttle runs is a reasonable energy saving strategy; today, it’s scaling. Hustle through the shuttle runs then try to keep moving on the lunges.
Score: back squat load & total lunges (L+R=2)
Wednesday 6.19
Name game: What’s a holiday you think should be added to the calendar?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 scap push-ups, 5 sit-ups to straddle, 5 rope knee raises.
Skill: rope climbs
Every 1:30 for 8 rounds, aiming to spend no more than :45 of each interval working
Beginner: 30-45 seconds of foot lock practice and/or 2-3 ground-to-stand + knee raise
Intermediate: 1-2 partial or full climbs, aiming for as few pulls as possible
Advanced: 1-2 climbs from seated, legless, or L-sit climbs
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
20 push-ups
20 med ball sit-ups 20/14
Extra credit: complete Concept2’s Juneteenth challenge by rowing or riding at least 1,900m and logging it on the C2 site
How to scale: Use a box for the push-ups, and do the sit-ups unweighted or with a lighter medicine ball. You should be able to complete at least 3 full rounds.
Objective: We’re starting with a chance to build skill and volume with rope climbs. Everyone ascending the rope in some way should be accumulating at least 10-15 reps during the EMOM; those staying on the ground should be aiming for at least 3-5 reps of their chosen drill(s) in each interval. The WOD is a simple AMRAP. Scale, especially for the push-ups, to avoid muscle failure and long breaks.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 6.20
Name game: What’s a movie that kept you up at night or haunted your dreams?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength/WOD: In 30 minutes
At 0:00:
Every 2 minutes for 3 rounds
10 touch-and-go power snatches
*Same load across
Rest 4 minutes & adjust weight
At 10:00:
Every 2 minutes for 3 rounds
10 touch-and-go power clean & jerks
*Same load across
Rest 4 minutes & clear barbells
At 20:00: 10 minute run for max distance
*Athlete’s choice of bike/row in case of rain
How to scale: Take lifts from the hang and break up the sets to preserve safe technique as needed.
Objective: We’ve done sets of 3 and 5, and now we’re jumping up to 10s on the snatch and clean & jerk. Pick your loads wisely and remember that “touch and go” is not an excuse to move poorly. Slow down if that’s what lets you maintain solid technique. After that you’re going for a short run. Aim for at least 1 mile.
Score: snatch load, clean load, & total distance
Coach’s note: snatch at 0:00, 2:00, 4:00; C&J at 10:00; 12:00; 14:00; run at 20:00
Friday 6.21
Name game: Happy solstice! What are you most excited for this summer?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 8 kip swings, 8 front squats (empty bar or PVC)
WOD: 5 rounds for time *22 minute cap
80 double unders
16 toes to bar
8 front squats 185/125 (no racks)
How to scale: Challenge yourself, but modify to beat the cap, ideally staying under 4 minutes per round.
Double unders: Spend no more than 2 minutes each round on attempts or single-single-doubles.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Front squats: Reduce the weight to one that is challenging for 8 unbroken reps when fresh. Sub a heavy goblet squat or use a rack if the clean is a significant limitation.
Objective: This workout is modified from an event at this year’s Semifinals, the final qualifying competition for the Crossfit Games. This version is lower volume and lighter weight, but it should still be a challenge. Go as unbroken as possible on the jump rope, aim to get through the T2B in no more than 4 sets, and pick a front squat load that you’ll still be able to get through in 1-2 sets come round 5.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 6.22
Name game: What sports team do you follow most closely?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
A: 400m run
5 bar muscle-ups
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
15/12 calorie Echo bike
*Switch when A finishes the run; pick up where B leaves off (if a MF team switches mid-bike, do 15 cals). In case of rain, 500m row in place of run.
How to scale: Modify such that you’re switching off at least every 3 minutes and completing at least 1 full round of the AMRAP during that time.
Bar muscle-ups: Do 5 challenging pull-ups plus 5 challenging dips.
SDLHP: Use a lighter weight, or sub heavier conventional or sumo deadlifts.
Bike: Reduce the calories to be completed in under 1:15.
Objective: We’re revisiting a partner WOD format we haven’t seen in a while, where both partners are working simultaneously but only one is doing work that counts toward your score. Ease up slightly on the runs to recover, but don’t leave your partner working on the AMRAP for long stretches. Ideally, you’ll be switching off every 2-2:30.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 6.23
Strength: Bench Press: 5×5 @ 75% to 85 of 1RM
DB Bench Press: 3×12
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