Monday 6.19
Name game: What celebrity chef would you pick to cook dinner for you?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row, then complete rounds of 10 air squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks, 5 inchworms
Strength: pause front squat 5×4 (3 second pause)
*Use the same weight for all 5 sets
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
6 burpee pull-ups
8 DB box step-overs 50/35, 20″
Lifestyle: straight arm burpees & lower bar or burpee to a target; lighter DBs and/or lower box
Objective: The focus today is on the heavy squats. If you did the 5×5 on June 9 aim for a heavier weight today. The workout is a short AMRAP with 2 relatively time-consuming movements where finding a rhythm is key. Try to keep moving on the burpee pull-ups, and choose dumbbells such that you don’t need to break on the step-overs.
Score: squat weights and rounds & reps
Tuesday 6.20
Name game: Would you rather live somewhere where it’s always snowing or always above 90 degrees out?
Warm up: bear crawl soccer (if team sports aren’t for you, spend the time biking or rowing)
Skill: choose your gymnastics adventure(s) – handstands, headstands, cartwheels, forward rolls
WOD: 5 rounds, 1 minute per station, for max distance
Max shuttle runs (25’/25′)
20 v-ups
Max bear crawl (25′ forward/25′ backward)
40 mountain climbers (L+R = 1)
Lifestyle: tuck-ups or sit-ups; reduce reps of v-ups/mountain climbers
Objective: The first part of today is a chance to work on some gymnastics skills, all of which can help you improve your handstand and your comfort level upside down and enable you to safely “fall” from an inverted position. The workout is a long burner: the shuttle runs and bear crawls are what counts, but you need to earn that high score by getting through v-ups and mountain climbers that will further fatigue your core, quads, and shoulders.
Score: total distance
Wednesday 6.21
Name game: What is your cellphone wallpaper?
Warm up: 1 minute each bike, row, jump rope, alternating with 1 round of 10 band pass throughs, 10 band strict press, 10 sit-ups to straddle
WOD: Each for time in three 10-minute intervals.
Strict pull-ups
*10/7 calorie bike after each set
Strict toes to bar
*50 double unders after each set
Strict press 95/65
*12/9 calorie row after each set
**Complete in any order to share equipment
Lifestyle: banded strict pull-ups or ring rows; strict K2E or knee raises; reduced weight; DU attempts/single-single-doubles; cap calories at 1 minute per round
Objective: We have three short workouts today that each mix a strict skill — a pull, a press, and a core movement — with a monostructural movement that will get your heart rate up. As the reps decrease on the skills, your rest between intervals of row, bike, and jump rope will decrease, and what starts with muscle fatigue will end with a sprint to the finish.
Score: time for each couplet
Thursday 6.22
Name game: What dumb thing did you fight with your sibling(s) or parents about as a kid?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: For load:
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
200m run
3 power snatches
Rest 5 minutes, then
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
200m run
3 power cleans
*Weight is the athlete’s choice. Use the same loading for all 5 rounds of each lift (adjust between snatch and clean as desired).
**In case of rain, 15/12 calorie bike or 250m row
Lifestyle: 150m run; take lifts from the hang or use dumbbells if needed
Objective: This workout is all about lifting under fatigue. You should be able to complete your run in about 1 minute each round, giving you around 1 more minute to complete your three lifts. Choose your weights wisely: it should be challenging to do for 3 singles with about 10 seconds rest between, but you need to be able to sustain that with good form for 5 total rounds.
Score: snatch load & clean load (If you adjust along the way, list the lightest weight used. Rx = full distance & 3 successful reps every round)
Friday 6.23
Name game: What’s one thing you’ve tried to improve about your nutrition this year?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: “Air Force” *15 minute cap
For time:
20 thrusters 95/65
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
20 push jerks 95/65
20 overhead squats 95/65
20 front squats 95/65
*4 burpees EMOM, including at 0:00
Lifestyle: reduce weight, straight-arm burpees
Accessory (optional): 400m farmers carry as heavy as possible
Objective: This all-barbell workout is about moving a light weight quickly in order to beat the clock: the longer you’re working, the more burpees you have to do. To attempt this Rx, you should be able to finish 20 reps of all of these movements in no more than 3 sets when fresh. Under fatigue you’ll likely need additional breaks, but make them quick: the clock is ticking.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 6.24
Name game: If money is no object, what’s your casino game of choice?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, every 10 minutes for 3 rounds
10 rope climbs
Then AMRAP, in remaining time:
7 dumbbell hang power cleans 50/35
7 deficit push-ups (hands on DBs)
7 box jumps 30/24
*Alternate full rounds; pick up where you left off at the end of the previous interval
Lifestyle: partial climbs or 5 hanging knee raises/climb; 40/25 DBs, regular or box push-ups, 24/20 box or step-ups
Objective: This is a typical you-go-I-go partner AMRAP with a twist in the form of a substantial set of rope climbs to be completed at the top of each 10-minute interval. For most teams it will be quickest to alternate single reps on the rope climb. Each round of the AMRAP should take less than a minute: scale so you can complete all three movements mostly unbroken.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 6.25
Strength: Part A: Deadlift 3×3 @ 60% *Rest 2:00 between sets
Part B: Front Squat 4×4 @ 60% *Rest 2:00 between sets
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