Monday 6.24
Name game: What’s something you resisted doing/trying but ended up liking?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: “Grace” *8 minute cap (compare to 7/14/22)
For time:
30 clean & jerks 135/95
How to scale: Reduce the weight. Even if you plan to do quick singles, your weight should be one you’re capable of hanging onto for at least 3-5 touch-and-go reps.
Accessory: 3-5 rounds
50’ double KB or DB overhead carry
max reps strict handstand push-ups
rest 1-2 minutes between rounds
*scale SHSPU to 1-2 abmats, pike push-ups, or z-presses to get at least 5 reps per round
Objective: We’ve been practicing barbell cycling over the past 6 weeks and now it’s time to put that practice to the test. Consider the loads you’ve used for our sets of 3, 5, and 10 in choosing your weight for today, bearing in mind that unlike in recent strength pieces, going to quick singles is a good option from the start and especially once fatigue sets in.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 6.25
Name game: What subscription service should you probably cancel because you never use it?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 15 single or double unders, 8 pvc pass throughs, 8 kip swings
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
25 double unders
8 hang power snatches 95/65
8 pull-ups
*Every 5 minutes, starting at 0:00: 400m run
**In case of rain, 30/24 calorie row or 25/18 calorie bike
How to scale: Rounds of this should be quick. Modify to stay mostly unbroken and able to complete 2-3 rounds between each run.
Run: Reduce the distance so that you’re getting at least 2:30 to work in each 5-minute window.
Double unders: Do up to 30 seconds of attempts/single-single-doubles or do 50 singles.
Hang snatches: Reduce the weight so you can do all 8 reps unbroken to start.
Pull-ups: Sub jumping pull-ups or ring rows; you should be able to do 8 unbroken reps at least to start.
Objective: Happy longest WOD of the week! We’ve got a simple triplet with a catch: a run every 5 minutes to keep your heart rate up and force you to make the most of the working time you get during each interval. The goal is to spend more time on the AMRAP than on the runs, so don’t dawdle there.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 6.26
Name game: How much time do you spend outdoors on a typical day?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 jumping squats, 5 inchworms
WOD: 10 rounds, :30 per station, for max reps (compare to: 10/20/21)
DB thrusters 50/35
How to scale: Sub straight-arm burpees and use lighter dumbbells to be able to move more or less continuously throughout each :30 interval. (Note that the Rx weights for the version of this workout are 45/30.)
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds for quality
20 plank dumbbell pull throughs
:30/side side plank
Objective: If you’ve been around CFN for a while, you’ve seen this one before, and it’s adapted from a workout that has appeared on several times. We’re looking for consistency. Figure out in the early rounds how many burpees and how many thrusters you can manage, then try to keep those numbers up for all 10 intervals.
Score: total burpees + total DB thrusters
Thursday 6.27
Name game: Would you rather have eyes in the back of your head or be able to taste with your fingers?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 1 minute bike/row, 10 scap pull-ups, 10 sit-ups to straddle
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
Odds: max ring rows (rx = horizontal)
Evens: max hanging L-sit (scale to tuck sit or active hang)
WOD: AMRAP/REPs in 18 minutes
300m row (18/14 Echo bike)
max reps unbroken toes to bar
rest 1 minute
How to scale: Reduce the range of motion on the toes to bar — knees to elbow, knees to chest, knee raises — to a version you can do for at least 10 reps in a row. Grip is part of the stimulus, so try to stick with options that involve hanging from the bar.
Objective: Lots of skill today, starting with some strict pulling and core work and ending with a workout that forces you to balance speed and recovery. Row (or bike) at a moderate to quick pace, then get right to work on your toes-to-bar. Athletes should aim to do a minimum of 5 rounds.
Score: rounds & reps (number of rounds completed & total toes to bar — if you do 6 rounds and accumulate 62 toes to bar, your score is 6+62)
Friday 6.28
Name game: What fictional animal would you most like to have as a pet?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds of 10 air squats, 10 lunges, 10 glute bridges
Strength: 5×3 back squat
*aim for >85% of your 1 rep max. Same load across. Max reps last set.
WOD: For time *11 minute cap
double KB deadlifts 24/16
double KB front squats 24/16
*100’ single KB goblet lunge after each round
How to scale: Use lighter kettlebells. You should be able to complete most of these skills unbroken or in two sets. If needed, do the lunge unweighted.
Objective: This will be the last heavy day in this squat cycle, with a “break” next week for 1775 and a 1 rep max test the week after. Your load today should be your heaviest yet. The WOD is some common skills with a kettlebell twist. Try to hang on for big, unbroken sets.
Score: back squat load & time to complete
Saturday 6.29
Name game: What current musician/band’s concert would you most want to go to?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 6 rounds for time *35 minute cap
bench press 135/95
burpee box jump over 24/20
*alternate full rounds; each partner does 3 rounds (solo: rest 1:1)
How to scale: Modify to keep each round mostly unbroken.
Bench press: Use a lighter weight, keeping in mind that there are a total of 72 reps in the workout.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight arm burpees and/or jump over a lower box. If needed, go to step overs in order to maintain a quick pace.
Objective: You’re pairing up today, but this partner WOD is simply an interval workout in disguise. You should be getting roughly 1:1 rest, so each of your rounds should be a sprint. Try to stay unbroken on the bench press despite the challenge of the ascending rep scheme.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 6.30
Strength: deadlift: 8×3 @ 60% to 75% of 1RM
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