Monday 6.3
Name game: What’s your weekly meal prep routine?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP 8 band pass-throughs, 8 band strict press, 4 inchworms
WOD: 5 rounds, 3 minutes each, for max reps
500m row
Max reps push press 135/95 (racks optional)
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds
**1k bike erg or 25/20 cal Echo bike if there aren’t enough rowers.
How to scale: Modify to ensure you’re getting time to complete some push presses in every round.
Row: Reduce the distance to be completed in under 2:30.
Push press: Reduce the weight to one you could do for 8-10 reps in a row when fresh.
Objective: We’re kicking off the week with some pull & push intervals. Find the sweet spot on the row between crushing yourself and phoning it in — around an 80-90% effort — then transition efficiently to your barbell and aim to hang on for sets of at least 5 push presses at a time. You’re getting 1:1 rest between rounds, so work hard all the way to the end every time.
Score: slowest 500m row & total push presses
Tuesday 6.4
Name game: What’s the best job you’ve had?
Warm up: 400m run then coach-led
WOD: 4 rounds for time *32 minute cap
400m run
5 squat cleans 205/145
400m run
3 rope climbs
How to scale: Modify so that you’re finishing each round in under 8 minutes.
Runs: Reduce the distance if 400m takes longer than 2:30 when fatigued.
Cleans: Reduce the weight to one you can manage for relatively quick singles. If needed, do a power clean followed by a front squat.
Rope climbs: Do partial reps or reduce to 1-2 full reps per round, or sub 15 hanging knee raises.
Objective: We’ve got a long one today, with a mix of cardio, squatting, and pulling. You’ll have to push the runs to beat the cap, so don’t treat them entirely as rest. Challenge yourself on the cleans and rope climbs, but don’t get bogged down by either one.
Score: time to complete (or rounds & reps at cap)
Wednesday 6.5
Name game: What are you most likely to get ads for on social media?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike, 20 jump rope skips, 10 sit-ups to straddle
WOD: For total reps:
8 minute AMRAP
50 double unders
:30 hollow hold
Rest 2 minutes
8 minute AMRAP
15/12 calorie bike
1 minute double KB front rack hold 24/16
Rest 2 minutes
8 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps 30/24
:30 L-sit hold (parallettes)
*AMRAPs can be done in any order to share equipment
How to scale: Modify to complete 3+ rounds of each AMRAP. You should be able to complete each static hold in 1-2 sets.
Double unders: spend no longer than 1 minute per set on attempts or single-single-doubles.
Hollow hold: Reduce the length of the hold to :15-:20 or do a tuck or plank hold.
Bike: Reduce the calories to take less than 1 minute.
KB hold: Use lighter kettlebells.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower height. Sub step-ups only in case of injury.
L-sit hold: Reduce the length of the hold to :15-:20 or hold a tucked position.
Objective: We’re doing 3 shorter AMRAPs today — each mixing a static hold targeting the core and a higher heart rate lower body movement — for a total of 24 minutes of work. Being efficient on all movements will help minimize breaks.
Score: total reps (1 second = 1 rep)
Thursday 6.6
Name game: Pancakes, waffles, or French toast?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row plus 2 rounds of 10 air squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks, then 5 minutes to build to starting weight
Strength WOD: 30 minutes to complete back squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10
Accessory WOD (optional): 400m farmers carry as heavy as possible
How to scale: Most athletes can do this as written. However, if you’re new to squatting and better served by accumulating volume than pursuing maximal loads, go for 10 sets of 5 at a moderate weight.
Objective: Back in April we did this with overhead squats, now we’re doing it with back squats. The overall goals are the same: aim for challenging loads across all sets, not just the singles, and try for heavier loads on the second sets of 3-5-10 than on the first. We’ll be starting a new squat cycle next week, so make note of the loads you use today as a reference.
Score: total back squat load (sum of weights used for each set)
Friday 6.7
Name game: If you had to spend a million dollars in 10 minutes, what would you buy?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 6 minute EMOM
5 touch-and-go power snatches
*same load all 6 sets
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
60 strict toes to bar
*8 burpees EMOM
How to scale: Do strict knees to elbow, chest, or above hips. No kipping! Reduce the reps or do straight-arm burpees so that they take no longer than :30.
Objective: We’re continuing with our barbell cycling work, this time completing the equivalent of Isabel — 30 reps — in just 6 minutes, doing touch-and-go sets of 5. This will be the higher intensity work for the day. The WOD that follows mixes a strict gymnastics hinge with the hinge of the burpee. A pace of 5 reps per minute gets you in under the cap.
Score: snatch load & time to complete
Saturday 6.8
Name game: If you had to talk like a cartoon character for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
handstand push-ups
chest to bar pull-ups
DB lunges 50/35**
*One partner works at a time, switch as desired; solo: half reps
**Round of 70: farmers hold lunges; 50: front rack lunges; 30: single arm overhead lunges each side (60 total). All lunges done in place.
How to scale: Ensure you can do 5+ reps in a row of your chosen modifications.
Handstand push-ups: Use up to 2 ab-mats or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Chest to bar: Do banded or jumping C2B, regular pull-ups, or challenging ring rows.
Lunges: Reduce the dumbbell weight.
Objective: Pressing, pulling, and single leg work are all on the menu, leaving nowhere to hide in this WOD — except behind the strengths of your partner. Divide the work equitably while considering your relative strengths and weaknesses.
Score: time to complete or reps at cap (total is 480)
Sunday 6.9
Strength: Strict Press: 5×5 @ 75% to 85% of 1RM
Push Press: 5×7 @ 65 % to 75% of 1RM
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