Monday 3.20
Name game: Happy spring! What space in your home most desperately needs a spring cleaning?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 10 squat to hip hinge, 10 box step-overs
WOD: 5 rounds for time *30 minute cap
75 double unders
30 medicine ball cleans 20/14
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20
1 minute rest
Lifestyle: DU attempts or 12/9 bike, 14/10, straight-arm burpee step-overs.
This is a WOD where you may be able to do all the skills as written, but not the volume. The intention is for each round to take 5 minutes or less. If rounds are taking closer to 6-8 minutes, that’s a different workout. Scale the reps to get back to 5-minute pace.
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds for quality
:30 hanging L-sit (scale to tuck sit)
10 strict chin-ups (scale with bands)
Objective: We’re starting the week with a lot of legs and lungs. The double unders are there to get your heart rate up before you get to the med ball. Move efficiently through those cleans without shorting the range of motion, then take a moment to shake out your legs before pushing through the burpee box jump overs. Built-in rest is a trap — don’t sprint through round 1 thinking that minute will have you fully recovered for round 2.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 3.21
Name game: What’s one piece of gym equipment you wish you had at home?
Warm up: 2 minutes bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10-8-6-4-2 hang power snatch. Increase weight after every successful set and rest 2 minutes between sets.
Lifestyle: 5-5-5-5-5 reps, light to moderate weight.
WOD: 3K partner row *15 minute cap
*partners must switch every 300m. Each 300m is capped at 1:30. (If you’re stopped at 275m, your teammate will row to 575m, then you’ll try to get to 875m, etc. Your team’s total distance will be less than 3000m.)
** If no rowers are available, do a 150/135/120 calorie bike, switching every 15/12 calories. On the bike erg, do 6k, switching every 600m. Solo: rest 1:1.
Objective: The focus today is the strength work, where we’re practicing snatch cycling from the hang position. Try to make each of your sets unbroken. For the workout we’re partnering up for what will amount to five 300m row intervals each. You should be getting roughly 1:1 rest, so aim for an 85-90% effort on the first four rounds, then go for broke in the last 300m. There are 9 transitions in this workout, so make sure you’re getting in and out of the rower efficiently.
Score: hang snatch weights & time to complete
Wednesday 3.22
Name game: Where was the most beautiful sunrise or sunset you’ve seen?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 rocking tables, 10 kip swings, 10 light KBS
Skill: handstands
Advanced: freestanding holds or walking
Intermediate (not doing HSPU in the WOD): HSPU negatives or practicing the timing of the kip
Beginner: practice kicking up against the wall or getting closer to the wall with good body position on wall walks
WOD: “Nate”
20 minute AMRAP
2 ring muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 American KBS 32/24
Lifestyle: bar MUs or 2 pull-ups + 2 dips, pike push-ups or z-press, 24/16
Objective: Nate is a hero WOD that is heavy on high-skill gymnastics. Like our muscle-up workout from two weeks ago, you can choose if you want to turn this into more of a skill session, or if you want to scale to meet the intended stimulus for this workout, moving quickly through each skill to achieve a score of 12+ rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 3.23
Name game: Would you rather have a self-driving car or a personal chauffeur?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 air squats, 10 lunges, :15 lizard stretch each side
Strength: tempo back squat 5×4 at 33×1 *same weight for all 5 sets
WOD: In 10 minutes:
1 mile run
Max reps front squat 135/95 (no racks)
Lifestyle: reduce weight; scale the run to 1200m if you cannot run an 8-minute mile.
Objective: This is the same back squat tempo we used two weeks ago, but the reps are lower, so try to push the weight slightly higher. The workout marks the return of running! Try to pace the mile at an 80-90% effort so you can get right to work on the squats when you’re done.
Score: squat weights & total front squats (note mile time)
Friday 3.24
Name game: What type of show are you most likely to watch on TV?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 banded pass throughs, 10 banded strict press, 10 kip swings
Strength: strict press 5×5 *same weight all sets
WOD: For time *8 minute cap
21 power cleans 95/65
21 toes to bar
15 shoulder to overhead 95/65
15 toes to bar
9 power clean to overhead 95/65
9 toes to bar
Lifestyle: reduce weight; K2E or knee raises
Objective: The strength work is again the focus today as we go for five heavy sets of strict press. You’ll have plenty of time to do this, so make sure you’re taking at least 2-3 minutes of rest between sets. The workout is a sprint. Like Monday, you may be able to do the prescribed weights and skills, but not within the given time domain. Scale so that you’re completing this largely unbroken.
Score: strict press weights & time to complete
Saturday 3.25
Name game: Milk, dark, white, or no chocolate?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 4 rounds for time *35 minute cap
100’ double DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
80 push-ups
100’ double DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
60 pull-ups
Lifestyle: 40/25, ring rows, box push-ups
Objective: Today’s partner WOD has a high volume of pull-ups, push-ups, and lunges, somewhat similar to the movements and volume you see in a workout like Murph. It’s a long workout, so make sure you’re breaking up the reps early and often. Switching every 25’ on the lunges and every 5-10 reps on the pull-ups and push-ups is a good strategy to start with.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 3.26
Strength: 16 min EMOM 3 deadlift 3 sec pause below the knee last rep
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