Monday 3.4
Name game: What’s the coolest venue you’ve been to for a performance or sporting event?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 4 shuttle runs, 4 squats to hip hinge, 4 air squats, 4 jumping squats
Strength: back squat 3×8
*Athlete’s choice to build or use the same weight across. Control your effort as much as you’d like — anything from 3 easy to moderate sets if you’re looking for a lighter day and just want to move to working toward an 8RM if you’re feeling strong and want to push it.
WOD: 20 rounds for time *10 minute cap
1 dumbbell cluster 50/35
1 dumbbell thruster 50/35
1 shuttle run (25’/25’)
*dumbbells dropped on floor: 5 burpee penalty. It’s bad for the dumbbells and a hazard for your toes and the people working near you. Don’t do it!
How to scale: Use lighter dumbbells. If needed, sub db power clean + thruster for the cluster.
Objective: We’re squatting today! If you want a heavy day, go for three challenging sets at the same weight or try to establish an 8 rep max. If you aren’t feeling a heavy load or full effort today, use a lighter weight and focus on moving well. The workout is a lot of rounds, but each round is only three reps, so this is a sprint. DO NOT drop your dumbbells on the floor; set them down so they’re in position for your next round and take off on that shuttle run.
Score: squat weights & time to complete
Tuesday 3.5
Name game: What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 bike, 10 kip swings, 10 pass throughs
WOD: 24 minute EMOM (4 rounds)
1: 15/12 calorie Echo bike (18/15 bike erg)*
2: 9 hang power snatches 115/75
3: 15/12 calorie Echo bike (18/15 bike erg)
4: 9 bar muscle-ups
5: 15/12 calorie Echo bike (18/15 bike erg)
6: rest
*stagger start by 1 minute to share bikes; sub 18/15 row only if no bikes are available
Note: Your score is Rx as long as you do the Rx movements. The rep counts are a cap, not a prescription.
How to scale: Modify to ensure you’re getting at least 4-5 reps on the snatch and bar muscle-up or equivalent.
Snatches: Reduce the weight to something you can do for 5+ reps in a row. If the snatch is a work in progress for you, consider subbing dumbbell snatches or hang power cleans.
Bar muscle-ups: Use a band/make attempts or sub a challenging pull-up or ring row. Stop before your hands rip!
Objective: There’s some weightlifting, there’s some gymnastics, but don’t be fooled: this is a bike workout. The goal here is movement under fatigue: make yourself a little bit uncomfortable on the bike, then fight through that discomfort as you hang on to the barbell or pull-up bar. Try to allow for at least 10 seconds of rest at the end of each interval, then recover as best as you can during the rest minute at the end of each round.
Score: total reps
*Each round has a maximum total of 63/54 reps (252/216 total)
Wednesday 3.6
Name game: Would you rather be locked in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders? (Both are non-venomous)
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row (easy, medium, hard)
Evens: AMRAP 8 rocking tables, 8 sit-ups to straddle, 4 inchworms
WOD: For time with a partner *32 minute cap
1000m row
50 handstand push-ups
50 reverse burpees
2000m row
50 reverse burpees
50 handstand push-ups
1000m row
*Solo: half reps, rest 1:1; Rx+ full reps
**One partner works, the other rests. Both partners must do part of every row.
How to scale: Modify so that you can do 5-10 reps at a time of the non-rowing skills and are not spending more than 18-20 minutes total on the rows.
Row: Reduce the distances to 800/1600/800.
Reverse burpees: Elevate your hips using a mat and/or use your hands to help you stand up.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 abmats or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Objective: Much like yesterday was primarily a bike workout, today’s partner chipper will largely come down to the rows. Transitions here are costly, so try to split each row into chunks of at least 250-500 meters at a time. It’s easy to trade off who’s working on the handstand push-ups and reverse burpees, so make a plan to swap every 5-10 reps, making sure you’re stopping well short of muscle failure, particularly on the handstands.
Score: time to complete (or reps at cap; count rows as 100/200/100 reps, total is 600)
Thursday 3.7
Name game: Name game: What is a basic life skill you should have but don’t?
Warm up: 2-3 minutes jump rope then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds: 3 power cleans
*Doing the Open tomorrow: pick a light/moderate load and work on form.
Just another Thursday: work toward a heavy 3 for the day.
WOD: AMREPs in 10 minutes
10-20-30 etc.
Russian kettlebell swings 24/16
double unders
plank hold (seconds)
*Rx+/not doing the Open tomorrow: American swings and/or heavier KB
**Scaling/active recovery: Use a lighter KB and do single unders
Accessory (optional): 5x max rep strict pull-up (use a band if needed)
Objective: Today is very similar to last Thursday: base your effort and scaling on when and how seriously you’re planning to do 24.2 this weekend. Like the power snatches last week, for today’s power cleans you can either work up to a heavy 3 for the day or take it easier with a more moderate load and a focus on technique. The workout is 10 minutes of ascending reps and you have total control of your pace and effort: if you want a harder day, scale up the KB swings and try to stay unbroken on all movements for as long as possible. If it’s an active recovery day for you, slow down, scale down, and simply move in a way that feels good for you.
Score: max clean triple & total reps
Friday & Saturday 3.8 & 3.9
Name game: What is the least used space in your house/apartment?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 24.2. Good luck! CrossFit HQ announces the workout on Thursday at 3 p.m.
Classes will be doing the same workout on both Friday and Saturday. While you are welcome to come both days, doing the same WOD two days in a row will have minimal benefit for most people. Plan to do the Open WOD on one day and use the other as a rest or active recovery day.
CarlosWOD will also be doing 24.2.
Sunday 3.10
20 minutes EMOM back squat – 3 reps 60% to 75% of 1RM
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