Monday 5.1
Name game: What is one toy or other childhood possession you still have?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: hang squat clean 5-3-3-1-1-1
WOD: 3 rounds for time *15 minute cap
30 pistols
15 squat cleans 115/75
Lifestyle: pistols onto/off of box or with balance assist; 95/65
Cooldown: 1 min/side pigeon stretch, 1 min/side couch stretch
Objective: Similar to the hang squat snatch work last week, today’s hang squat clean work gives you a chance to work up to a heavy single. The workout doubles down on the squat theme with a light to moderate squat clean starting from the ground paired with a challenging single-leg skill. Do quick singles or sets of 3-5 on the squat cleans to keep from burning out or lighting up your lower back, and as always, scale the pistols in a way that addresses your weaknesses with that skill.
Score: clean weights & time to complete
Tuesday 5.2
Name game: If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 scap pull-ups, 10 rocking tables
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
200m run
2 strict ring muscle-ups
40 double unders
4 strict deficit handstand push-ups (45s+25s/45s)
*If it rains: sub 10/8 Echo bike or 15/12 bike erg; start anywhere to share
Lifestyle: 4 strict C2B/pull-ups + 4 strict dips; :45 DU attempts or 8/6 bike; strict HSPU/pike PU/heavy Z press. No kipping for any skills.
Accessory (optional): accumulate 2 minutes of hanging L-sit
Cooldown: 1 min/side calf stretch, 1 min/side banded lat & tricep stretches
Objective: Today is about executing high skill movements with a high heart rate. Push the pace on the run and move quickly through the double unders, then really challenge yourself in how you scale the muscle-ups and handstand push-ups — if your sets are unbroken for most of the WOD, you’ve scaled too much.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 5.3
Name game: Where is the most uncomfortable place you’ve ever slept?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike or row, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms
Skill: 8 minute EMOM
12 unbroken toes to bar
*If you have toes to bar but not this many, reduce the reps to 8-10 per minute. If you can’t do at least 8 in a row, do as many as you can then finish the set with knees to elbow or knee raises.
WOD: With a partner, 8 rounds for time *25 minute cap
15/12 calorie row
15 burpees
15/12 calorie bike
*alternate full rounds
**solo: 4 rounds, rest 1:1
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees; reduce each set of calories to be done in under 1 minute
Cooldown: 2 minute easy walk/jog/bike/row, then 1 min each cobra and down dog
Objective: The skill work today is a chance to work on your kip and get a decent volume of toes to bar. We did a similar EMOM on Feb. 2, so you can check back to see how you attacked it then. The workout is 4 sprints that should take 2-3 minutes each. Try to be efficient with your transitions and keep pushing all the way to the end.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 5.4
Name game: What’s one subject you think all kids should be required to take a class on in school?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 2 shuttle runs, 10 squat to hip hinge, 5-5-5-5 monster walk
Strength: 3×5 tempo back squat (33×1), using the same weight for all sets, then a single max reps set at that weight (no pauses)
WOD: 2:00 on, :30 off for 4 rounds
27-21-15-9 goblet squats 24/16
Max shuttle runs (25’/25’)
(do 27 squats the first interval, 21 the second, etc.)
Lifestyle: 20/12
Cooldown: 1 min/side brettzel stretch
Objective: We’re back to our original rep range on the tempo squat — but this time with a max effort bonus set without pauses. Try to keep your breaks at the top of each rep minimal rather than resting for long periods with the bar on your back. Have a spotter or be sure you’re comfortable bailing when you get to the max reps set. The workout has descending reps of a light goblet squat that you should be able to complete unbroken every round. Open standards apply for the shuttle runs – touch the ground with one hand at each turn-around.
Score: squats weights (note max reps set) and total shuttle runs (out and back is 1 rep)
Friday 5.5
Name game: What’s your go-to order at a Mexican restaurant?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, of banded pass throughs with a lunge, banded strict press, kip swings
Strength: strict press 5-5-3-3-1-1
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
4 power snatches 95/65
6 push-ups
8 pull-ups
6 push-ups
Lifestyle: reduce weight, jumping/banded pull-ups or ring rows, box push-ups
Cooldown: 1 minute wall shoulder stretch, 1 minute forearm stretch
Objective: Like the deadlifts last week, this rep scheme leads you to a heavy single on the strict press. Try to build in weight across all six sets. The workout is a quick AMRAP that contrasts pushing and pulling skills. Murph is coming, so take advantage of these opportunities to improve your push-up and pull-up capacity.
Score: strict press weights and rounds & reps
Saturday 5.6
Name game: What song did you or would you like to have for your first dance at your wedding?
Warm up: coach-led track
WOD: Partner “Kelly”
5 rounds for time *35 minute cap
400m run (together)
30 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 20/14
*Rx+ solo
**if it rains: each partner does 25/18 bike or 500m row in place of run
Lifestyle: step-ups or lower box, wall balls 14/10 or lower target
Objective: “Kelly” is one of CrossFit’s benchmarks, and among the “girls” it’s one of the longest, with average times around 30 minutes. Doing it solo is an option if you think you can beat the 35-minute cap, but you can also do it with a partner and split the work on the box jumps and wall balls. It will be a challenge for your lungs and your legs whichever way you decide to tackle it.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 5.7
Strength: back squat 3×8, 1×5, 2×2, 1×1
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