Monday 5.20
Name game: What would be the topic of your TED Talk?
Warm up: coach-led
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
3 touch-and-go power clean & jerks
*Same load for all 10 sets
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
strict handstand push-ups
strict pull-ups
How to scale: Reduce the reps on one or both Rx movements (18-12-6 or 15-10-5), or find a strict modification you can do for sets of 3-5 on each skill. No kipping today!
Strict handstand push-ups: Go to 1-2 ab-mats, do reduced reps or negatives, or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Strict pull-ups: Do ring rows, or jumping or banded pull-ups with a controlled descent.
Objective: Similarly to the snatches last Friday, we’re moving into a cycle of clean & jerk cycling with an eye toward a test of the benchmark “Grace” in the near future. Roles will be reversed today: the higher intensity, higher heart rate work will come during the strength portion; the WOD is closer to accessory work with a focus on gymnastics strength and skill.
Score: C&J load and time to complete (or reps at cap)
Tuesday 5.21
Name game: If your life were a movie, what genre would it be?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 band pull-aparts, 10 band pass-throughs, 10 kip swings
Strength: 1 RM bench press
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
20 devils press 50/35
40 toes to bar
20 devils press 50/35
How to scale: Stay on pace to beat the cap, keeping in mind you need to average 8 reps per minute or faster to finish.
Devils press: Use lighter dumbbells and do straight-arm burpees if needed.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises. Sub candlesticks if grip or shoulders are an issue.
Objective: Build off the sets of 5 and 3 we’ve done over the last month to work up to a heavy single — and hopefully a PR — during the first half of class. The workout is a quick sprint chipper, sandwiching a big set of toes to bar between two challenging sets of devils press. Aim for sets of at least 4-5 reps at a time on both skills.
Score: max bench and time to complete
Wednesday 5.22
Name game: What’s one sauce or condiment you think is disgusting?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station, jump rope, reverse lunges, narrow stance squats, rope knee raises
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
60 double unders
20 alternating pistol squats
3 rope climbs
How to scale: Decide if you want to use today to work on weaknesses or to get in a moderate to high intensity 20 minute effort, and pick your modifications accordingly.
Double unders: Spend 60-75 seconds each round making attempts or accumulating single-single-doubles. Otherwise, sub 12/9 calorie bike.
Pistols: Elevate your heel, go to or from a box, or sub skater squats.
Rope climbs: Do 1-2 full plus 1-2 partial climbs each round, or all partial climbs. Otherwise, sub 15 strict knee raises.
Objective: Today’s workout is a fairly standard 20 minute AMRAP with a couple of higher skill elements, but you have the opportunity to tailor it to your needs. If these are all strengths, push the pace, trying for 6+ rounds. If some of these skills are works in progress, decide if you want to scale to achieve a similar intensity or if you prefer to make this a skill day and take your time to do harder versions of double users, pistols, or rope climbs than you typically would.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 5.23
Name game: If a visitor asked you what to do for 24 hours in your hometown, what would you suggest?
Warm up: 6 minute alternating EMOM
Odds: bike
Evens: AMRAP 8 box step-ups, 8 good mornings, 8 down dog with alt. toe touch
WOD: 25 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 8 deadlifts
Minute 2: 15 box jumps 24/20
Minute 3: max calorie bike
Minutes 4&5: rest
*Deadlift load is athlete’s choice
How to scale: Jump to a lower box; in case of injury, do step-ups.
Accessory: 3x50m/side heavy single arm farmers carry
Objective: We’re maxing out our deadlift next week, and after building up over three weeks of increasingly heavy loads, today is a chance to get some solid movement at slightly higher reps of a more moderate load. It’s entirely your choice what that weight is: if you’re fatigued from the rest of the week, pick an active-recovery level load for those sets of 8. If you’re feeling fresh and looking for a heavier day, go for something a little more challenging that you can still get through in 1-2 sets. All of that aside though, the deadlifts and box jumps are simply building to the crux of this workout, which is the 1-minute sprint on the bike to end each round. You’re getting 2 full minutes of rest afterwards, so don’t hold back.
Score: total calories
Friday 5.24
Name game: What are you most looking forward to doing with your long weekend?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 100m run, 10 air squats, 10 pass throughs
WOD: 4 rounds for max reps, working 2:00 on, 2:00 off:
10 unbroken thrusters 95/65
200m run
max reps thrusters 95/65
2 minutes rest
10 unbroken power snatches 95/65
200m run
max reps power snatch 95/65
2 minutes rest
*In case of rain/injury: 200m row or 14/10 bike.
**To count as “Rx,” you cannot have a 0/DNF score for any intervals.
How to scale: Modify so that you’re finishing the buy-ins with time to get some reps in every round.
Thrusters: Pick a weight you can consistently do for 10 unbroken reps. Scale the buy-in by reducing the weight, not breaking up the set.
Snatches: Reduce the weight, go from the hang, and/or ignore the “unbroken” prescription to maintain good technique to finish each set of 10 in no more than 2 sets.
Run: Reduce the distance if you cannot complete 200m in 1 minute or faster.
Objective: We have a true sprint-rest workout today, and appropriate scaling is essential. The goal is to get back to the thrusters or snatches every single round. If you’re falling short of that, make a change! Aim to have at least :20 to accumulate reps at the end of each interval.
Score: total thrusters + total snatches (the buy-in sets of 10 do not count)
Saturday 5.25
Sign up online for the free nutrition workshop at 11:15 a.m.
Name game: Would you rather have the ability to mute people in person or fast forward through awkward situations?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 3 rounds for max reps (30 minutes)
5 minutes max calorie row (partner holds plank)
5 minutes max weighted sit-ups 25/15 (partner holds wall sit)
**Partner must be in static hold for reps to count; switch as desired
Objective: There’s nowhere to hide for your core or your quads today, but make a plan for sharing the work relatively equally with your partner and communicate well to avoid too much time spent with both partners resting.
Score: total reps (calories + sit-ups)
Sunday 5.26
16 Minutes EMOM Deadlift – 2 reps 75% to 85% of 1RM
Accessory: Strict Press: 3×12; Box Jumps: 3×5
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