Monday 5.22
Name game: What’s your go-to dance move? (Demonstration is optional)
Warm up: 2 minute jump rope practice, then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:15 for 12 sets (15 minutes)
1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch
*Build as you go as long as you maintain good technique. Do 2 squat snatches if it gets too heavy to power. Reps do not need to be touch-and-go.
WOD: AMREPs in 9 minutes
3, 6, 9 etc.
Hang power snatch 75/55
Overhead squat 75/55
*30 double unders after each round
**You cannot squat your final snatch to get your first OHS. Stand at full extension with the last hang snatch before starting the squats.
Lifestyle: reduce weight, 30 seconds of DU attempts, 60 singles, or 6/4 bike
Cooldown: 1 min/side calf stretch, 1 min/side brettzel stretch
Objective: In the strength work we’re building on our snatch pull practice from 5/12, this time completing both a power and a squat snatch as part of the same complex. The workout is a past qualifier WOD for Wodapalooza, a major CrossFit competition held every January in Miami. It’s meant to be light and quick, so the weight you use should be one you can do for 12-15 unbroken reps of each skill.
Score: max snatch complex weight and total reps
Math: round of 6 = 78; 9 = 126; 12 = 180; 15 = 240; 18 = 306; 21 = 378
Tuesday 5.23
Name game: Do you ease your way into a cold pool or jump in quickly?
Warm up: coach-led track
WOD: 8 minutes on, 2 minutes off, for 3 rounds:
800m run
AMREPs in remaining time:
Round 1: pull-ups
Round 2: push-ups
Round 3: burpees
**Rx+ wear a 20/14 vest
Lifestyle: ring rows, box push-ups, straight-arm burpees. Injury scale: 50/35 bike.
Cooldown: 2 minute walk/jog then 1 min/side chest stretch on rig, 1 min/side banded lat stretch
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds for quality
10/10 DB seesaw press
10/10 DB bent over rows
Objective: Murph is next Monday! This is one final opportunity to get a feel for wearing a vest, if that’s your goal for this year, and to practice running and bigger sets of pull-ups and push-ups. Everyone should try to run the full 800m in each interval. Scale the pull-ups and push-ups in the same way you plan to modify them for Murph, then go hard on the burpees in the final interval.
Score: slowest 800m (record 3 times in SugarWOD) and total pull-ups + push-ups + burpees
Wednesday 5.24
Name game: What’s one superpower you would never want to have?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, jumping jacks, narrow stance air squats, lunge with a twist
Skill: 12 minute EMOM
1: 8-10 pistols or progression (Rx+ add weight)
2: 10-20 second front scale each leg
3: 10-20 second back scale each leg
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
20 reps of the complex 1 medicine ball clean + 2 med ball lunges 20/14
20 reverse burpees
Lifestyle: 14/10, elevated reverse burpees
Cooldown: 1 min/side pigeon stretch, 1 minute standing forward fold
Objective: Lots of skills today, with a focus on single-leg work and balance. Use the EMOM to make progress on your pistols. Your legs will burn but try to keep moving on the WOD. Aim for at least 4 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 5.25
Name game: What’s one question you dislike being asked?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike, 10 kip swings + 5 hanging knee raises, 10 box step-ups
WOD: 30 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 20/15 calorie row
Minute 2: 20 toes to bar
Minute 3: rest
Minute 4: 20 box jumps 24/20
Minute 5: 3 rope climbs (1 climb = 5 reps)
Minute 6: rest
*have some people start on box jumps to share equipment
Lifestyle: K2E or knee raises; lower box; partial rope climbs/foot locks or 3 ground-to-stand on rope
Cooldown: 2 minute easy bike/row, 1 minute cobra stretch, 1 minute forearm stretch
Objective: This workout pairs two leg-driven movements that will get your heart rate up with two gymnastics skills that will tax your lats and core. Like all workouts we do in this style, try to set a target for each skill that you can hit for all 5 rounds. Try not to let the scoreboard dictate your strategy — don’t sandbag one skill to maximize your reps on another.
Score: total reps (max is 375/350)
Friday 5.26
Name game: If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your family/friends assume you had done?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then 3 rounds of 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 pvc thrusters, 5 inchworms
Strength: 3×5 thruster
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
thrusters 95/65
wall walks
Lifestyle: reduce weight; partial wall walks
Cooldown: 1 minute/side couch stretch, 1 min wall shoulder stretch
Objective: Similar to the start of the week, we have a heavy strength portion — ideally using the same weight for all 3 working sets on the thruster — followed by a sprint workout with low reps and light weight. Aim to keep the thrusters as unbroken as possible and minimize rest time on the wall walks.
Score: thruster weights & time to complete
Saturday 5.27
Name game: How often do you change your sheets?
Warmup: coach-led barbell
WOD: For time with a partner *30 minute cap
10 rounds of:
9/7 calorie bike
9 hang power cleans 95/65
Rest 2 minutes, then:
10 rounds of:
6 bar-facing burpees
6 hang power cleans 135/95
Rest 2 minutes, then:
10 rounds of:
3 hang power cleans 185/125
*Alternate full rounds
Lifestyle: reduce cleans to weights you can do unbroken in each round; straight-arm burpees/step-over
Objective: Today’s partner WOD mixes quick bursts of cardio with progressively heavier barbell cycling. These are sprints: the goal today should be to keep everything unbroken and complete your rounds of the first two couplets in under 60 seconds each.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 5.28
Strength: front squat 4×5, 1×3, 2×2, 1×1 / EMOM x6 4 power cleans
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