Monday 5.8
Name game: If you were to go to grad school (or do grad school again), what would you study?
Warm up: kettlebell tap race relays
WOD: Emily M’s Defense Day WOD
In 10 minutes:
Then, max reps in remaining time:
Burpee pull-ups
Rest 5 minutes, then,
In 10 minutes:
DB snatch 50/35
Burpee over DB (lateral)
Then, max reps in remaining time:
Devils press 50/35
Lifestyle: ring rows, straight-arm burpees; burpee to target or lower bar; 40/25
Accessory (optional): 100 sit-ups for time
Cooldown: 1 minute standing forward fold, 1 minute wall shoulder stretch
Objective: Longtime morning crew regular Emily is defending her molecular biology dissertation today, so wish her luck in person or in spirit as you take on this workout featuring some of her favorite movements. Both couplets that start these intervals should be sprints. The first, sometimes referred to as “bodyweight Fran,” should take roughly 4-8 minutes to complete. The second will take slightly longer since you will already be fatigued, but do your best to beat the cap and leave time to accumulate some devils presses.
Score: total burpee pull-ups + total devils press
Tuesday 5.9
Name game: If people were paid for bad behavior, what bad habit would make you a fortune?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 row, 10 rocking tables, 5 inchworms
WOD: Every 4 minutes for 8 rounds
250m row
12 parallette shoot throughs
*2 minute cap per round (have some athletes start at 2:00 to share rowers)
Lifestyle: 200m row, box shoot-throughs
Cooldown: 2 minute easy bike/row, 1 minute cobra stretch
Objective: This workout is rowing intervals with a twist: a core-intensive movement to be completed immediately after you come off of your 250m sprint. Just because you’re trying to move quickly does not give you an excuse to move poorly, so make sure you’re keeping the full range of motion on the shoot-throughs. You’re getting a minimum of 1:1 rest, so make sure you’re pushing hard every round of the row.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all 8 in SugarWOD)
Wednesday 5.10
Name game: What is your favorite piece of art or other item you have displayed at your home?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 bike, 10 air squats, 5 rope knee raises, then work up to your front squat weight
WOD: 3 rounds for max reps
2 minutes bike for calories
2 minutes front squats 185/125 (racks allowed; from the floor is Rx+)
2 minutes rope climbs
2 minutes rest
*stagger the start to share ropes/bikes & stay in order (changing the order is a scaling option)
Lifestyle: reduce weight; partial climbs or 5 hanging knee raises/do rope climbs first
Cooldown: 1 minute/side couch stretch, 1 minute/side pigeon stretch
Objective: First you’ll elevate your heart rate and get your legs burning on the bike; then you’ll continue working your legs and add some core fatigue on the front squats; and finally you’ll put your core and legs to the test with some rope climbs. That said, a scaling option if you’re working on rope climbs is to do those first, when you’re least fatigued, then do the bike and front squats. Pace yourself so you’re able to keep accumulating reps through each 2-minute interval.
Score: total reps (1 rope climb = 5 reps)
Thursday 5.11
Name game: If you could have free meals for life at one fast food chain, which would it be?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station of jump rope, band pull-aparts, banded pass throughs
Strength: bench press 5-5-3-3-1-1
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
40 double unders
8 ring dips
8/8 single arm KB push press 24/16
Lifestyle: scaled DU reps/attempts or 8/6 bike, box dips, 20/12
Cooldown: 1 minute/side flat thread the needle, 1 minute/side calf stretch
Objective: Like the strict press last week, this is an opportunity to work up to a heavy single on the bench press. Try to build in weight across all 6 sets. The workout is an AMRAP with relatively short rounds. Try to finish the jump rope in under 45 seconds, and use a KB weight you can do for 8 in a row on the push presses. However you scale the dips, make sure you’re getting full range of motion.
Score: bench press weights and rounds & reps
Friday 5.12
Name game: What was the last present you regifted?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 15 minute EMOM
Min 0-5: snatch pull + power snatch
Min 6-10: snatch pull + squat snatch
Min 11-15: 2 snatch pulls (heavier than max snatch)
WOD: 5 rounds for time *10 minute cap
12 front rack lunges 115/75
12 C2B pull-ups
Lifestyle: reduce weight; regular pull-ups or ring rows
Cooldown: 1 minute/side couch stretch, 1 minute/side banded lat stretch
Objective: The strength work today focuses on the first two pulls of the snatch, from the ground to the knees and from the knees to the full extension of your ankles, knees, and hips. You’ll ideally build in weight through the power and squat complexes, then complete the final five minutes of the EMOM at a weight heavier than your max snatch. The workout is five quick rounds of a single leg skill and a pulling skill. Try to stay unbroken on the lunges and minimize time spent resting on the pull-ups.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 5.13
Subject to change based on weather forecast
Name game: Do you prefer a sprint, a long run, or to avoid running at all costs?
Warm up: 200m run then coach-led barbell/work up to a starting C&J weight
WOD: With a partner, in 32 minutes:
Minutes 0-24:
Max distance run
*Partners alternate 400m intervals
**Rx+ wear a 20/14 vest
Minutes 24-32:
Each partner establishes a 1 RM clean & jerk. Partners can work at the same time and take as many attempts as they’d like.
Lifestyle: if you cannot run 400m in under 2:00, scale to 300 or 200m intervals
Objective: Run hard because you’ll be getting roughly 1:1 rest during these intervals. If you’re planning to do Murph Rx in a couple of weeks, this is a good chance to practice running with a weight vest. After the hard work comes the fun part: the chance to go for a heavy clean & jerk single. Take your time to recover from the run — 8 minutes gives you a chance to make several strong attempts with a minute or so of rest between.
Score: team run distance & individual C&J max
Sunday 5.14
Strength: deadlift 3×8, 1×5, 2×2, 1×1
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