Monday 11.13
Name game: What’s your Starbucks order (or where do you go instead)?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds
5 power snatches
*build as you go, technique permitting; stick with touch-and-go as long as you can but switch to quick singles if necessary
WOD: Open 16.3
7 minute AMRAP
10 power snatches 75/55
3 bar muscle-ups
How to scale: The scaled version published by CrossFit HQ is:
7 minute AMRAP
10 power snatches 45/35
5 jumping chest to bar pull-ups
However, you should modify in whatever way lets you get a high intensity workout with minimal breaks.
Power snatches: You should be able to do 10 unbroken reps at your chosen weight for at least 1-2 rounds. Take these from the hang if needed, or from just below the knee if you’re not using full-size bumper plates.
Bar muscle-ups: Do 6 reps per round of a challenging pull-up — chest to bar, kipping, jumping, strict banded, or a hard ring row. If you’re close to getting bar muscle-ups, use a band or make up to 3 attempts per round.
Objective: For the strength work today we’re building to a heavy set of 5 power snatches over the course of 8 sets. As always, technique comes first: don’t move up in weight unless you’re moving well at lighter loads. The WOD is a throwback to the 2016 CrossFit Open, and it’s a quick one. Pick a snatch weight that is light for you and challenge yourself on the muscle-ups without getting bogged down on them.
Score: 5 RM power snatch and rounds & reps
Tuesday 11.14
Name game: What is your earliest childhood memory?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike or row, 10 squat to hip hinge, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: 5 sets of 1 front squat + 3 back squats
*use the same load for all 5 sets and rest exactly 2 minutes between sets. Try for a load heavier than 11/2, at or near your max front squat.
WOD: 4 rounds for max reps
:30 max air squats
:30 bottom of squat hold
:30 rest
1:00 max calorie row
:30 rest
Objective: The focus is the strength work today, where we’ve worked our way up to the heaviest sets of front and back squats we’ll be doing on this cycle. Your loading should be approaching your 1 rep max front squat. The workout is another quick one, and barring injury nearly everyone can do it as written. Make sure you’re getting full range of motion on every air squat, and stay active during the static hold with your chest up, knees out, and heels down.
Score: squat load & total reps (calories + squats)
Wednesday 11.15
Name game: Would you rather have to get around by riding a donkey or by riding an elephant?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station, jump rope, banded pass throughs, rocking tables
WOD: 5 rounds for time *35 minute cap
90 double unders
:45 L-sit (on parallettes)
9 strict handstand push-ups
15 strict ring dips
21 push-ups
How to scale: Modify to complete each round in under 7 minutes while keeping the focus on executing each gymnastics skill well.
Double unders: Spend no more than 1:30 per round on attempts, reduced reps, or single-single-doubles, or sub 15/12 calorie bike.
L-sit: Do a tuck-sit hold on parallettes or boxes or sub a hollow or tuck hold on the ground. If needed, reduce the length of the hold to 25-30 seconds such that you can finish it in 3-4 sets.
Strict handstand push-ups: Use up to 2 abmats, or do pike push-ups or a heavy z-press, mixing in some HSPU negatives if you’re able.
Ring dips: Use a band, matador bars with or without a band, or boxes.
Push-ups: elevate your hands on a box or a bench.
Objective: It’s the longest day of the week, and we’re doing it strict. Each round starts with double unders to get your heart rate up while giving your shoulders a chance to recover; a static hold that will tax your core, and sets of three similar — and therefore interfering — strict gymnastics skills that target your shoulders and other muscles used for pressing. Try to keep a consistent pace throughout, ideally staying under 7 minutes per round to beat the cap.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 11.16
Name game: What’s your goal for the deadlift today?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 glute bridges, 10 good mornings, 10 box step-ups
Strength: 1 RM deadlift
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
8 dumbbell box step-ups 20” 50/35
16 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35
How to scale: Reduce your dumbbell weight so that you could do at least 1-2 unbroken sets of each movement.
Objective: Focus on the deadlift today, aiming for a heavy single or a new PR if you’re feeling strong. We’re setting a baseline for deadlift-focused strength work in the coming weeks. The WOD will tax your grip and your posterior chain. Try to move consistently, but don’t make the mistake of treating it as a sprint early on.
Score: max deadlift and rounds & reps
Friday 11.17
Name game: What food or drink would you consume a lot more of if it had no calories?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: bike
Evens: AMRAP 10 PVC thrusters, 10 kip swings
Movement Prep/Skill: review of kipping/pull-up efficiency/butterfly kip/purpose of various scaling progressions
WOD: Every 7 minutes for 4 rounds:
Odd rounds:
25/18 calorie bike
25 thrusters 45/35
15 pull-ups
Even rounds:
15 pull-ups
25 thrusters 45/35
25/18 calorie bike
*if no bikes are available, sub a 500m row
How to scale: You create your own rest in this workout, so set yourself up for success by scaling such that you finish the first round in under 5 minutes.
Bike: Reduce the calories so you’re able to finish them in under 2 minutes each round.
Thrusters: Reduce the weight to a practice bar or PVC such that you can finish every round ideally unbroken or in no more than 2 sets.
Pull-ups: Unless you can do 8+ strict pull-ups, use a band or do ring rows. You should be able to finish these in no more than 2-3 sets each round.
Objective: This is a longer interval-style workout loosely based on the benchmark “Jackie” — both forwards and in reverse. Jackie is light and fast, and each round of this should be as well. You create your own rest, and you will slow down as you fatigue, so have a plan B ready if the first round takes you longer than about 5 minutes.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds
Saturday 11.18
Name game: What’s a hobby/activity you’d love to pick up if you had more free time?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
power cleans 135/95
toes to bar
lateral burpees over bar
*solo: 45-30-15 reps
How to scale: Pick options you can do for relatively big sets — at least 8-10 reps at a time — for most of the workout.
Power cleans: Pick a weight you can do for at least 8-10 reps in a row when fresh. Go from the hang if needed.
Toes to bar: Modify to knees to elbow/chest or knee raises. If your hands are beat up, sub candlesticks.
Burpees: Do a straight-arm burpee and step over the bar, or simply stay in one spot.
Objective: This is a simple one: three movements, three rounds with descending reps, split any way you want with your partner, working one at a time. That said, try to hang on for bigger sets if you can — at least 5 reps at a time — throughout the WOD.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 11.19
Strength: 1RM – Front Squat / 1RM – Strict Press
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