Monday 11.14
Name game: If animals could talk, what species do you think would be the rudest?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 5 rope knee raises, 5 inchworms, 10 med ball squats
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
2 rope climbs
5 burpee box jumps 30/24
10 wall balls 20/14
Lifestyle: 1 rope climb/partial rope climbs/8 hanging knee raises; 24/20; 14/10
Accessory: 3-5×5 strict chin-ups
Objective: This is a relatively long workout with relatively short rounds, so don’t fall into the trap of going out too hot. Try to get through the rope climbs with minimal rest between reps, and aim to complete all sets of wall balls unbroken.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 11.15
Name game: What sport is most boring to watch?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 15 minute EMOM
Minutes 1-5: 5 touch-and-go power cleans
Minutes 6-10: 3 touch-and-go power cleans
Minutes 11-15: 1 power clean
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
100 sit-ups
1000m row or 50/35 bike or 800m run
100 sit-ups
Lifestyle: reduce reps or distance so no portion of the workout takes longer than 5 minutes
Objective: Focus on the barbell cycling work today, and try to build in weight throughout. For the workout, rowing is the most challenging option because of the core engagement required, but push yourself to go hard on any of the three cardio options.
Score: heaviest 5-rep, 3-rep, and 1-rep power clean; time to complete
Wednesday 11.16
Name game: Would you rather be forced to always wear shoes or always be barefoot?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 banded pass-throughs, 10 band pull-aparts, 5 divebomber push-ups
Strength: bench press 3-3-3+ (last set is max reps)
WOD: For time *14 minute cap
Deficit HSPU (hands on 45/25 plates)
*10m/side single arm farmers carry after each set 32/24
Lifestyle: regular HSPU/pike push-ups/z-press; 24/16 KB
Objective: We have another heavy bench press day ending with a max effort set, followed by more pressing in the workout. When scaling the HSPU, pick something you can do for 10 reps in a row, and be prepared with a plan B if your shoulders are more fatigued than you expect. The single arm farmers carries are heavy, but try your best to keep an upright posture.
Score: bench press weights & time to complete
Thursday 11.17
Name game: Which leg of a triathlon would you be least excited for (run/bike/swim)?
Warm up: rowling
WOD: EMOM for 7 rounds:
Minute 1: 20/16 calorie row
Minute 2: 8 DB box step-ups 50/35, 20”
Minute 3: 15/12 calorie bike
Minutes 4 & 5: rest
*stagger the start to share machines
**Rx+ if you finish all of the reps through the first 4 rounds, add 2/1 calories on each machine
Lifestyle: 40/25
Accessory: 5 minutes max distance double KB front rack carry
Objective: Today is an interval-style workout that will tax your legs and challenge your endurance. You can afford to use the full 60 seconds to work on the row and bike, since the step-ups should not take the full minute and you have two full minutes of rest coming off the bike. Push yourself, but try to be consistent in the amount of calories you’re finishing.
Score: total reps (max is 301/252)
Friday 11.18
Name game: If you had to change jobs, what new career would you pick?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 squat to hip hinge, 10 banded pass throughs, 10 band pull-aparts
Movement prep: work up to your deadlift weight
WOD: 15 rounds for time *30 minute cap
1 deadlift 315/205
5 strict pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Lifestyle: 225/155 or a relatively heavy single; banded pull-ups or ring rows (no kipping), box push-ups
Objective: This is a variation on the classic Cindy. With a heavy deadlift added and strict pull-ups prescribed, each round will take slightly longer, but the same strategies that work well on Cindy will work here. If pull-ups or push-ups will be a sticking point, break them up early and often, and aim for a consistent pace. Average under 2 minutes per round to finish under the cap. If Cindy is a wheelhouse WOD for you, aim for sub-18.
Score: time
Saturday 11.19
Name game: How much spice can you handle in your food?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, in 30 minutes:
Partner A: 400m run (500m row in case of cold/rain)
Partner B: AMRAP
10 toes to bar
10 push press 95/65
40 double unders
*switch when Partner A finishes the run.
Lifestyle: K2E, 75/55, reduced reps DU/DU attempts/single-single-double or 7/5 calorie bike
Objective: Both partners will be working for the full 30 minutes, so the run will be your best opportunity to recover. Pick scales for the AMRAP portion that let you complete rounds largely unbroken, especially at the beginning of the workout.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 11.20
Strength: 15 min EMOM BS 3 reps w/ 2 sec pause last rep
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