Monday 11.18
Name game: What’s a movie that was so bad you couldn’t finish it?
Warm up: coach-led barbell and rope climb review
WOD: For time *20 minute cap
clean & jerk 185/125
legless rope climb
Rest 4 minutes, then
clean & jerk 185/125
rope climb
How to scale: Modify to keep each half of this workout under 8 minutes.
Clean & jerks: Reduce the barbell weight to one that is a medium-heavy single. You should be able to get at least 3 reps in a minute; you should not be able to go touch-and-go. If technique limits load, do 12-8-4 reps at lighter weight.
Legless rope climbs: Do regular climbs or sub 15-10-5 strict pull-ups/jumping pull-ups/hard ring rows.
Rope climbs: Do partial rope climbs or sub 15-10-5 strict knee raises.
Objective: We have two quick couplets today, both with a clean & jerk and a version of a rope climb. While this is meant to be relatively heavy and relatively high skill, it’s not meant to be a long slog. That said, there’s time built in to challenge yourself, particularly on loading: a pace of 1 C&J every :20 and 1 rope climb every :30 beats the cap.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 11.19
Name game: If you were a fashion designer, what type of clothes would be your specialty?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of :30 bike, 10 step-ups, 10 squat to hip hinge, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: pause back squat
5×3 (3 seconds at bottom)
*Same load all 5 sets
WOD: 3 rounds, 1:15 per station, :15 transition for max reps
Echo bike calories
DB box step-ups 20” 50/35
How to scale: Use a lower box and/or lighter dumbbells. You should be able to do at least 10 reps at a time.
Objective: Aim for a heavier squat load today than you used for the tempo squats last Thursday and the pause squats on 10/24. The workout has three sets of slightly longer than usual intervals, with a tiny bit of built-in rest just to ensure that you’re able to spend the full 1:15 moving every time. Don’t dawdle picking up the dumbbells and try to keep pushing on the bike.
Score: squat load & total calories + step-ups
Wednesday 11.20
Name game: What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen available for free on the side of the road?
Warm up: 500m rowling
*Each athlete completes 5 rounds of rowling, trying to hit exactly 100/200/300/400/500m. Between rounds, complete 20 single or double unders plus 1 burpee for every meter off.
WOD: “The Ghost” (compare to 10/11/23 and 8/18/22)
6 rounds, 1 minute per station, for max reps:
row for calories
double unders
How to scale: Do straight-arm burpees and do a version of the jump rope you can do consistently and that will elevate your heart rate: single-single-doubles (count only doubles), singles (count 2 reps as 1), or bike calories.
Accessory (optional): 100 single leg alternating v-ups
Objective: This is our third time doing this benchmark, and the objective remains the same: to put in an equal, hard effort on all three movements and resist the temptation to crush the double unders and sandbag the other two. This is about cardio at a high heart rate; treating the burpees as extra rest is missing the point.
Score: total reps
Thursday 11.21
Name game: What word do you sub when you want to use a bad word but can’t?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
8 minute EMOM
3 touch-and-go power snatches
Rest 2 minutes
8 minute EMOM
1 squat snatch
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
60 overhead squats 95/65
60 pull-ups
*Partition as desired
How to scale: Pick options you can for sets of 10+ reps at a time.
Overhead squats: Reduce the load or sub front squats.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Objective: We’re going to test both the benchmark Ingrid and a 1 rep max snatch next month, so why not practice for both? That’s the goal with today’s longer-than-usual Oly EMOM. The WOD is a short choose your own adventure. Switch movements to avoid taking long breaks, but don’t turn this into a workout of endless transitions. 4/5/6 rounds of 15/12/10 reps are good compromise options.
Score: max power & snatch loads and time to complete
Friday 11.22
Name game: What’s the strangest thing you believed as a child?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 band pass throughs, 10 band strict press, 10 plank shoulder taps
Strength: strict press 4×6
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
3 wall walks
9 strict toes to bar
How to scale: Pick options you can perform with excellent technique.
Wall walks: Go up as far as you’re comfortable maintaining a good hollow body position and hold for 2-3 seconds.
Strict toes to bar: Do strict knee raises, knees to chest, or knees to elbow. Sub candlesticks with a controlled descent if hanging is an issue.
Objective: We’re back to our bigger sets of overhead presses. It’s your choice to build in load or stay the same, but either way aim for heavier sets than you used for the 4×8 on 10/31. The workout is a relatively long couplet. Slow down just a bit to make sure you’re executing both of these movements well, using control both up and down the wall on the wall walks and avoiding the temptation to gain momentum by swinging your legs behind you on the toes to bar.
Score: strict press load and rounds & reps
Saturday 11.23
Name game: Would you rather live in an all-glass house or a house without windows?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
60 deadlifts 135/95
60 box jump overs 24/20
30 front squats 135/95
30 bar-facing burpees
How to scale: Modify so that none of these skills becomes a sticking point.
Deadlifts: You should be capable of sets of 15-20 reps at a time.
Box jump overs: Use a box low enough that you’re comfortable keeping the jump, even under fatigue.
Front squats: Use a load you can do for 10+ reps.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over.
Objective: It’s a very straightforward partner WOD today, alternating two lower body barbell skills and two jumping skills. Nothing here should be super heavy or complicated, so aim for your team to move continuously, alternating sets of at least 5-10 reps at a time with your partner. Aim for a minimum of 3 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 11.24
Strength: bench press 4×6, push press 6×4
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