Monday 11.28
Name game: How soon is too soon to start decorating for the holidays?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 banded pass throughs with a lunge, 10 banded strict press, 10 rocking tables
Strength: strict press 5-3-1-1-1, then max reps at 70% of heaviest 1-rep weight
WOD: Four 3-minute rounds for max reps; rest 1 minute between:
10 strict pull-ups
10 strict ring dips
Odd rounds: Max distance bear crawl (Rx+ handstand walk)
Even rounds: Max calorie row
* reverse evens/odds to share ergs and avoid bear crawling collisions
Lifestyle: banded strict pull-ups/ring rows, banded/matador/box dips or reduce Rx reps to be finished in under 2 minutes
Objective: Each working set of strict press should get progressively heavier, and you have a chance to go for a new 1 RM if you’re feeling good. For your max effort set, try for a minimum of 5 reps. The workout mixes shoulder-intensive strict gymnastics with movements that will get you winded while still taxing your upper body. Scale so that you have at least 1-2 minutes to work on the row/bear crawl each round.
Score: strict press weights (note max reps) & total reps (10m bear crawl/5m HS walk = 3 reps)
Tuesday 11.29
Name game: Would you rather be able to jump exceptionally high or exceptionally far?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 30 single/double unders, 10 squat to hip hinge, 10 lunges with a twist
Skill: seated box jumps – work up to a challenging height and do 3-5 sets of 3
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
20m DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
40m walking lunge
60 double unders
20 DB front squats 50/35
40 air squats
60 double unders
Lifestyle: 40/25; reduced DU/20-30 single-single-double/attempts capped at 1 minute or 12/9 calorie bike
Objective: Seated box jumps will be a new movement for many people, but they’re a great way to build explosive power that translates especially well to the Olympic lifts. The workout is a longer grind that will target your legs and keep your heart rate up. Aim for consistency, and try to finish at least 3 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 11.30
Name game: What was your first language?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
1 power clean & push jerk
WOD: 3 rounds for time *20 minute cap
30 toes to bar
15 clean & jerks 155/105
Lifestyle: knee raises, use a clean & jerk weight slightly heavier than what you would use for Grace or something you can do for quick singles
Objective: This workout has big sets of toes to bar and a moderate to heavy clean & jerk, so it’s important to go in with a plan for breaking them up. For the toes to bar, sets of 5-10 reps is a good starting point; for the clean & jerks try to keep up a steady pace of quick singles.
Score: max clean & jerk weight and time to complete
Thursday 12.1
Name game: Would you rather live in the woods or by the ocean?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 5 rope knee raises, 5 straight-arm burpees
Movement prep: review rope climbs
WOD: 8 rounds for max reps
Minute 1: 1 legless + 1 regular rope climb
Minute 2: max burpees
Minute 3: rest
*stagger the start to share ropes
Lifestyle: 1-2 rope climbs, partial climbs, or 1 ground-to-stand + 4 rope knee raises; straight-arm burpees
Accessory (optional): 5 minute EMOM: 30 second plank hold into max reps push-ups. Scale to planks and push-ups on a box.
Objective: While your score today is all burpees, this workout is an awesome opportunity to work on rope climbs, especially if they’re something you struggle to perform well under fatigue. Use that minute to challenge yourself, whether it’s by completing the prescribed climbs or just working toward full climbs with or without legs.
Score: total burpees
Friday 12.2
Name game: How many different houses/apartments have you lived in as an adult?
Warm up: squat therapy/coach-led barbell
WOD: Every 6 minutes for 5 rounds:
20/15 calorie bike
10 front squats 115/75
10 back squats 115/75
10 overhead squats 115/75
*To share bikes, have some athletes start each round at the 2:00 mark. Ideally the bar starts on the ground, but use a rack if you’re uncomfortable pressing the bar onto your back.
Lifestyle: 75/55; reduce the bike calories to be finished under 1:30
Accessory (optional): 3-5 sets of 10/10 Bulgarian split squats
Objective: This workout is a series of sprints followed by substantial rest. Pick a weight you can do unbroken, and don’t waste time on your transition between the bike and the bar. Each round should be completed at close to max effort and should take under 4 minutes — ideally, under 3.
Score: slowest round
Saturday 12.3
Name game: Would you rather construct a gingerbread house or eat the decorations? (“Both” is not an option)
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In teams of 3, 30 minute AMRAP:
Partner A: AMRAP
6/6 KB snatches 24/16
8 C2B pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
Partner B: 30 calorie row
Partner C: rest
*switch when partner B finishes the row
Lifestyle: 20/12, regular/jumping/banded pull-ups or ring rows, pike push-ups or z-press
Objective: Two partners are working at once during this WOD, and both of their efforts count toward the total score. Push hard through the AMRAP and the row, and recover as best you can when it’s your turn to rest.
Score: total calories + total reps
Sunday 12.4
Strength: 12 EMOM DL 2 reps w/ 2 sec pause below the knee last rep
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