Monday 11.6
Name game: What’s your favorite YouTube channel?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 scap pull-ups, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms with a push-up
Skill: Every 1:15 for 8 sets
12 unbroken toes to bar
How to scale: If you can do some toes to bar but not 12 in a row, do as many as you can then complete the balance in knee to elbow/chest/raises. Otherwise, do the full set using one of the modified skills.
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
5 strict C2B pull-ups
10 ring push-ups
20 box step-ups 30/24
How to scale: Keep the focus on increased ranges of motion while choosing modifications you can perform well.
Strict C2B: Use assistance to still achieve the full range of motion, with a band or by jumping, and without kipping. If you do ring rows, bring your feet further forward and cross the rings over, making sure you’re pulling the rings all the way down to the sides of your chest.
Ring push-ups: If you’re comfortable with regular push-ups but struggle with stabilizing the rings, do a deficit push-up with parallettes or dumbbells. Otherwise, do regular or box push-ups, picking a more challenging variation than you typically would but still ensuring your chest is getting all the way to the ground or box on every rep.
Box step-ups: Use a lower box, making sure you’re standing all the way up with hips fully extended at the top of each rep.
Objective: This is a workout from 2019 — also previously done at CFN on 12/21/19. The theme of the day is increased ranges of motion: you have to pull a little further to get your chest to the bar; go deeper into the push-up to get your chest to the floor; and use some extra push from your legs to step onto that higher box. Be virtuous in your movement today: do each of these skills well, not fast, with the greatest range of motion possible. Average scores are around 8 rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 11.7
Name game: if you had a constellation named after you, what would its outline resemble?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 5 palms-up PVC overhead squats
Strength: overhead squat 4×6
*Same load for all 4 sets
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
20 power snatches 95/65
100 double unders
20 overhead squats 95/65
100 double unders
20 squat snatches 95/65
How to scale: Modify to move through this at a fast pace. If you’re doing singles before you get to the squat snatches, your weight is too heavy.
Power snatches: pick a weight you can cycle for 8-10 reps in a row. If needed, start from the hang.
Overhead squat: pick a weight you can do for at least 10 reps in a row. If needed, scale these to front squats.
Squat snatches: Pick a weight you can, at very least, do for quick singles. If needed, do a power or hang power snatch plus an overhead squat, or do 20 power snatches then 20 front squats.
Double unders: Do attempts or single-single doubles capped at 2 minutes per set, or sub a 20/16 calorie bike.
Objective: Focus today on the overhead squats, aiming for a heavier load than you used for the 4×8 on 10/27 and/or the 4×10 on 10/12. Like last Tuesday, the workout is in the “sprint chipper” style. Work through at least the power snatches and overhead squats in big sets, don’t waste a ton of time failing on double unders, and get through the squat snatches as efficiently as you can.
Score: OHS weights & time to complete
Wednesday 11.8
Name game: Would you rather go to a movie or a live show?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, complete rounds of :30 bike, 5 straight-arm burpees, 5 rope knee raises
WOD: 32 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 15/12 calorie bike
Minute 2: 10 dumbbell burpee deadlifts 50/35
Minute 3: 3 rope climbs (1 climb = 5 reps)
Minute 4: rest
How to scale: Decide if you want to maximize total reps or challenge yourself with harder versions of these skills than you typically do.
DB burpee deadlifts: Use lighter DBs and/or do straight-arm burpees. There are a lot of these; make sure you’re able to keep a flat back throughout the deadlift portion. If needed, remove the deadlift entirely and instead do a high jump at the top of each burpee.
Rope climbs: Do partial climbs or 15 hanging knee raises (1 hang knee raise = 1 rep)
Objective: This is a long one with a little bit of everything — some cardio, some weights, some gymnastics. Pick your focus — moving consistently, emphasizing one skill in particular, or scaling to use today as an opportunity for active recovery/skill work — and adapt your strategy accordingly.
Score: total reps (max is 320/296)
Thursday 11.9
Name game: What’s the ideal dipping sauce for soft pretzel?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, jumping jacks, band pass throughs, band strict press
strict press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 1-1-1-1-1
push jerk 1-1-1-1-1
*try to get heavier each set
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
50’ dumbbell bear crawl 50/35
25 weighted sit-ups 25/15
How to scale: Modify so you’re able to finish at least 2 rounds, bearing in mind that your shoulders will already be fatigued from the strength work.
DB bear crawls: These will be a new movement for almost everyone. Err on the side of too light. You should be able to complete 25′ without stopping.
Weighted sit-ups: Use a lighter weight or do regular sit-ups.
Objective: Just as we maxed out all of the squats 6 weeks ago, today we’re maxing out the overhead presses. The principles are the same: the 5×1 rep schemes are only a suggestion — stop if you’ve reached your max sooner, and keep going if you feel you have more to give. The workout is a quick core and shoulder burner. Don’t underestimate the fatigue that will set in on the weighted bear crawls.
Score: max load for each press and rounds & reps
Friday 11.10
Name game: When do you do your best thinking?
Warm up: 2 minutes run/bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 12 minute EMOM
2 squat cleans
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
hang power clean 135/95
front squat 135/95
bar-facing burpee
*If you finish the round of 2-2-2, start over with the round of 10. A complete cycle of 10-8-6-4-2 is 1 “round”; each “round” is 60 reps.
How to scale: Pick a loading you can do for 8-10 reps in a row of both the hang clean and the front squat. If needed, do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Objective: Like the squat snatches last week, the priority on the cleans today is technique first, then load. Build across the EMOM only if you’re moving well. The reps do not need to be touch and go, so take the extra second to set up well every time. The workout is a classic mix of barbells and burpees. Try to stay unbroken for as much of the barbell work as you can, and aim to make it through at least 1 full round.
Score: max clean double and rounds & reps
CarlosWOD: Chad
Saturday 11.11
Name game: Would you rather be trapped in a romantic comedy with your enemies or trapped in a horror movie with your friends?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 5 rounds for time *40 minute cap
1000m row
30 American KBS 32/24
30 pull-ups
*One partner works at a time; divide work as desired
How to scale: Modify the swings and pull-ups so you can sustain sets of at least 5 reps at a time.
Row: Reduce the distance if it will take your team longer than 5 minutes to complete 1k.
Pull-ups: Use a band or do ring rows.
American KBS: Use a lighter weight and/or reduce the range of motion to shoulder height (Russian swing).
Objective: Here we have two twists on the benchmark Eva — first, lightening the load by making it a partner WOD, but second, adding to the grip and pulling demands by replacing the running portion with a row. Be smart in how you share the work, and switch off well before you approach grip failure.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 11.12
Strength: 1RM – Back Squat / 1RM – Bench Press
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