Monday 10.14
Name game: What’s under your bed?
Warm up: 2 minutes of cardio, then rounds of 5 squats to hip hinge, 5 jumping squat, 5 monster walks, :30 active hang
Strength: tempo back squat 5×4 @ 33×1
*Same load all 5 sets. Use your rest time to determine your muscle-up scaling.
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
30 muscle-ups
*Note: this is a benchmark typically prescribed as ring muscle-ups. Today, athletes have the choice of ring or bar muscle-ups as “Rx” options.
How to scale: If muscle-ups, jumping/banded muscle-ups, or attempts are not in the cards, complete 30-60 reps of the most challenging pull-up you can do. This should take a minimum of 4 minutes.
Objective: We’re back where we started on our back squats, this time with slightly smaller sets. Look at the loads you used for previous tempo squats (9/16, 9/30) and aim for heavier today. Note that while top times for 30 muscle-ups are in the 3-minute range, you have 10 minutes today. This is not an act of time cap generosity so much as it is an invitation to challenge yourself. Cruising through 30 ring rows in 90 seconds is not the goal. Instead, pick something that forces you to work in small sets and take breaks to avoid hitting failure.
Score: squat load & time to complete
Tuesday 10.15
Name game: Would you rather go to a concert by your favorite band or a sports event with your favorite team?
Warm up: 200m run then rounds of 10 pass throughs, 10 rocking tables, 10 plank shoulder taps
Skill: handstands (getting inverted, staying inverted, walking; bailing by forward roll)
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
200m run
12 American kettlebell swings 24/16
6 strict handstand push-ups
*In case of rain: 250m row or 14/11 bike
**Rx+ add a deficit to the strict HSPU (hands on 45/25 plates)
How to scale: Modify with a goal of finishing at least 5 rounds without reducing the distance on the run.
Kettlebell swings: Use a lighter kettlebell or do Russian swings.
Strict HSPU: Use 1-2 ab-mats, do negatives, or do a challenging pike push-up or heavy z-press. You should need to break these up at some point in the workout.
Objective: Today is primarily about being upside down, working on the skill of handstands in the first half of class and incorporating strict handstand push-ups into an AMRAP in the second. The handstand push-ups are meant to be a sticking point today. Push yourself on the run and try to keep the kettlebell swings unbroken, then challenge yourself: if sets of 6 strict HSPU are no big deal, consider going for the Rx+ option; if you’re scaling, use heavier dumbbells, fewer abmats, etc., to force you to break these sets up.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 10.16
Name game: When was the last time you took a nap?
Warm up: coach-led jump rope practice then 2-3 rounds of 150m row, 10 box step-ups
WOD: 4 rounds, each for time *5 minute cap per round
50 double unders
25 box jumps 24/20
500m row
Rest 1:1 or while an erg-sharing partner goes (note that, if needed, you can start your next round before they finish the row)
How to scale: Aim to get to the row in under 2 minutes and cap the row at 2:30.
Double unders: Spend no more than a minute on attempts or single-single-double or sub 100 single unders. If needed, reduce the reps to 40.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box or do step-ups. If needed, reduce the reps to 20.
Row: Get as far as you can before the 5:00 cap.
Objective: On Monday the challenge was a hard pull; yesterday it was a hard press; and today we’re rounding out the “challenge yourself” theme with a test of your legs, lungs, and mental fortitude. Each successive movement in these sprint intervals should take longer to complete — roughly :30 to :45 for the jump rope, 1:00 to 1:15 for the box jumps, 2:00 to 2:30 for the row — but that doesn’t mean you should be easing off as you go. Instead, remember that you have 1:1 rest between intervals, and treat the whole thing, especially the row, like a sprint at 90%+ effort.
Score: slowest round (record all 4 in SugarWOD)
Thursday 10.17
Name game: What is the ideal length for a workout?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every :45 for 16 sets
clean pull + hang power clean
WOD: AMREPs in 12 minutes
3, 6, 9 etc.
burpee pull-ups
*10 weighted sit-ups 25/15 after each set
How to scale: Do straight-arm burpees to a lower pull-up bar or do burpees + ring rows. Use lighter or no weight for the sit-ups.
Objective: Today’s strength EMOM mirrors last Monday’s snatch work, this time breaking the power clean into two parts with a focus on hitting full extension. Like last week, build in weight so long as you’re moving well. The workout will be a shoulder burner. Find a sustainable pace to keep chipping away at the burpee pull-ups, particularly as the sets get bigger, and don’t slack on the range of motion on the weighted sit-ups.
Score: max clean complex & total reps
Math: finished round of 9 = 48; 12 = 70; 15 = 95; 18 = 123; 21 = 154; 24 = 188
Friday 10.18
Name game: When you were in high school, what did you think you would be when you grew up?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: “Andi” (compare to 11/8/22 & 7/23/21)
For time *32 minute cap
100 hang power snatches 65/45
100 push presses 65/45
100 sumo deadlift high pulls 65/45
100 front squats 65/45
How to scale: Use a lighter barbell and reduce (e.g., 75 reps of each) and/or partition the reps (e.g., 3 or 4 rounds of 25 reps each).
Objective: This benchmark is one of CrossFit’s new “girls,” a barbell version of the bodyweight chipper Angie. This workout hits all the major movement patterns — pulling, pushing, hinging, squatting — at a load that should be light enough that you can attack all of these skills in large sets while building in breaks to stave off grip fatigue for as long as possible. Most athletes have struggled to beat the cap on this WOD in the past; you have 2 extra minutes this time so let’s reverse that trend today.
Score: time to complete or reps at cap
Saturday 10.19
Name game: How much caffeine is too much caffeine (for you)?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: bike (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP 8 kip swings, 8 lunges with a twist
WOD: With a partner, 3 rounds, 10 minutes each, for total calories
Round 1:
60 toes to bar
60 DB front rack lunges 50/35
Max calories Echo bike
Round 2:
50 toes to bar
50 DB front rack lunges 50/35
Max calories Echo bike
Round 3:
40 toes to bar
40 DB front rack lunges 50/35
Max calories Echo bike
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired
**Rest 1 minute between rounds
How to scale: Reduce the range of motion on the toes to bar — knees elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises — and reduce the dumbbell weight such that you can maintain sets of 8-10 reps on each skill throughout the workout.
Objective: It’s a race to the bike, then it’s a race on the bike, and you get to share everything with your partner. The buy-in gets shorter every round, but with minimal rest between rounds fatigue will make it tough to buy yourself that much more bike time in rounds 2 and 3. Plan to trade off every 10 reps or so on the toes to bar and lunges, then trade off every minute or two on the bike.
Score: total calories
Sunday 10.20
Strength: deadlift 5×5
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