Monday 10.16
Name game: What’s the last Broadway show you saw or the one you’d most like to see?
Warm up: 2 minutes of jump rope then rounds of 5 squats to hip hinge + 5 jumping squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: 5 sets of 3 front squats + 6 back squats
*2 minutes rest between sets; no rest between front and back squats other than to re-rack the bar.
**Use the same weight for all 5 sets; try for 5-10 pounds heavier than 10/3 or 75-80+% of your max front squat.
WOD: AMREPs in 9 minutes
3, 6, 9 etc.
Medicine ball cleans 20/14
*30 double unders after each set
How to scale: This is short and quick — don’t get bogged down on the med ball cleans or with failed double under attempts.
MB cleans: Use a lighter ball so you can do at least 12 reps in a row
Double unders: Spend no more than 30 seconds per round on attempts/single-single-double, or sub 4-6 calories on the bike.
Objective: The focus today is again on the squats, aiming for a consistent heavy load for all 5 sets, with relatively short rest at just 2 minutes between sets. The workout is short and intense. Keep your med ball cleans unbroken for as long as you can and be efficient on your double unders.
Score: squat weights & total reps
Tuesday 10.17
Name game: What’s your go-to playlist/search on Spotify or other music streaming platform?
Warm up: 2 minute bike or row then rounds of 10 banded pass throughs, 10 banded strict press, 5 burpees
Strength: push press 5×3
WOD: Each for time *6 minute cap for each section; 1 minute reset between
Part A (0:00-6:00):
calorie row
1 minute break (6:00-7:00)
Part B (7:00-13:00):
calorie bike
*complete couplets in either order
How to scale: Reduce the reps to beat the cap — drop the bike as low as 12-8-4 and the burpees to 15-10-5 — and do straight-arm burpees if needed.
Objective: Like the strict press two weeks ago, it’s your choice if you want to build across your five sets of push press to a potential 3 rep max or if you want to use the same challenging weight for all 5 sets. The workout is two short sprint couplets. You’re guaranteed at least 1 minute rest, but the faster you go on the first couplet, the longer break you earn yourself.
Score: push press weights & time for each couplet
Wednesday 10.18
Name game: What’s the wildest hairdo you’ve ever had?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 8 air squats, 8 box step-overs, 8 sit-ups to straddle, 8 scap pull-ups
WOD: For time *32 minute cap
DB deadlifts 50/35
strict pull-ups
DB front squats 50/35
strict toes to bar
DB box step overs 20” 50/35
*:30 hollow hold after each round
How to scale: Keep the gymnastics skills strict, but pick weights and movement variations that will let you keep chipping away to get this done under the cap. Taking into account the 5 minutes of static hold, you need to average 10+ reps per minute to finish.
DB movements: Use lighter DBs. You should be capable of doing the sets of 10 unbroken when fresh.
Strict pull-ups: Use a band, do jumping pull-ups with a controlled negative, or do a challenging ring row. No kipping.
Toes to bar: Do strict knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises. No kipping.
Hollow hold: Tuck in one or both legs; reduce the time to a length you can hold unbroken when fresh.
Objective: While the previous two days’ workouts have been relatively short and focused on managing a high heart rate, this is a longer effort that will hinge on managing muscle and grip fatigue. Break up your reps wisely — quick singles are a viable strategy for many of these movements.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 10.19
Name game: What’s your favorite kind of milk?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
8 hang power snatches
*Reps should be unbroken. Try to build in weight each set.
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
3 sets of 1 wall walk + 2 wall-facing handstand push-ups
9 power snatches 115/75
How to scale: There are some advanced skills in the WOD. Take advantage of the AMRAP format to challenge yourself, but make sure you’re still able to get through at least 2-3 full rounds.
Wall walks: Walk your feet as far up the wall as you’re comfortable and hold for 2-3 seconds per rep.
Handstand push-ups: Do 3 wall walks or scaled wall walks, then do 6 strict or kipping HSPU. Use 1-2 ab mats or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Power snatches: reduce the weight to something you could do for 5-6 reps in a row; go from the hang if needed.
Objective: We’re cycling high reps of the hang power snatch today. Try to hang on for all 8 reps in a row — hook grip is key! The workout continues some of the strict gymnastics theme from yesterday and has some more power snatches, this time from the ground. Challenge yourself on the handstand work and find a good rhythm to work through the snatches each round.
Score: snatch weights and rounds & reps (wall walks/hspu are 9 total reps)
Friday 10.20
Name game: What’s a goal you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
Warm up: 2 minute run, bike, or row, then rounds of 10 kip swing (on bar or rings), 5 divebomber push-ups, 5/side active lizard stretch
WOD: “Jason”
For time *30 minute cap
air squats
ring muscle-ups
How to scale: This is a hero WOD, so challenge yourself as much as you safely can, particularly on the muscle-ups.
Air squats: Most people can do these as written, but if 250 total reps is more volume than is reasonable for you, drop the reps to 80-60-40-20 or 60-45-30-15.
Advanced: Reduce the reps or count attempts on the rings, or do the equivalent with bar muscle ups.
Intermediate: 5-10-15-20 chest to bar or regular pull-ups and ring or matador dips.
Beginner: 5-10-15-20 banded pull-ups or ring rows and box dips.
Objective: It’s been a gymnasty past couple of days and we’re ending the week with a high-skill hero WOD, Jason, featuring 50 ring muscle ups paired with big sets of air squats. Remember why WODs like this are created and push yourself!
Score: time to complete
Saturday 10.21
Name game: What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen in nature?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
Partner A: 200m med ball run 20/14
Partner B: AMRAP
8 power cleans 115/75
8 knees to elbow
8 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/75
*switch when A returns from the run
How to scale: You want the runs to take under 2 minutes, which means you’ll only be working on the AMRAP portion of this for around 2 minutes at a time. Pick modifications you can consistently do for unbroken sets of 8.
Run: use a lighter med ball, and keep in mind that sometimes an odd object run is faster as a brisk walk.
Power cleans: use a lighter weight and go from the hang if needed.
Knees to elbow: Do knees to chest or knee raises. If your hands or shoulders are beat up, sub candlesticks or v-ups.
Sumo deadlift high pulls: use a lighter weight or modify these to regular deadlifts.
Objective: This is one of those sneaky partner WODs — you get to work with a friend, but you’re both going to be working for the full 30 minutes. Aim to be switching off between med ball run and AMRAP every 1:30-2 minutes.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 10.22
Strength: 15 minute EMOM 3 front squats @ 80%
Power Cleans 5×3
DB Bench Press 3×8
Sit ups (Abmat) 3×10
Empty Barbell Strict Press 3×15
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