Monday 10.2
Name game: What is your favorite magical or mythological animal?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 pass-throughs, 10 snatch-grip RDLs, 10 scap pull-ups
WOD: Every 6 minutes for 5 rounds:
12/9 calorie bike
10 hang power snatches 95/65
10 pull-ups
12/9 calorie bike
*3 minute cap per round
How to scale: Modify so that each interval is a true sprint, with everything completed unbroken.
Bike: Reduce the calories so that you can finish the intervals in under 1 minute each.
Snatches: Reduce the weight so that you can do all 10 reps in a row.
Pull-ups: Pick a modification — ring rows, banded pull-ups, or jumping pull-ups — that you can do for all 10 reps in a row.
Objective: We’re starting the week with some sprintervals. Push the bike, and try to go unbroken for the snatches and pull-ups. You’ll get 1:1 rest or better between rounds, so treat every round as a true sprint.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all 5 in SugarWOD)
Tuesday 10.3
Name game: If you could hang out with any cartoon character, whom would you choose?
Warm up: 2 minutes of jump rope then rounds of 5-5-5-5 monster walks, 10 jumping squats, 5 inchworms
Strength: 5 sets of 4 front squats + 8 back squats
*Use the same weight for all sets and rest 2 minutes between your 5 working sets. If you know your maxes or were here last Thursday, aim for a load of at least 70-75% of your max front squat. There is no rest between the front and back squats other than transition time from front to back rack.
WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
25 double unders
10 burpees
How to scale: Modify so that you can move continuously and at relatively high intensity for the full 7 minutes.
Double unders: Spend no more than 30 seconds per set on attempts, single-single-doubles, or reduced reps. Do 50 singles if those are challenging for you. In case of injury, sub 7/5 calorie bike.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees.
Objective: Focus today on the front and back squats; the front squats in particular should be fairly challenging for those sets of 4. The workout is unweighted and fast. There’s not much pacing to be done — push hard the whole time.
Score: squat load and rounds & reps
Wednesday 10.4
Name game: What TV channel did you watch the most when you were a kid?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :45 row, 10 sit-ups to straddle, 10 kip swings
WOD: For time *16 minute cap for each couplet/35 minutes total
calorie row
toes to bar
Rest 3 minutes
DB snatches 50/35
bar muscle-ups
*complete couplets in either order
How to scale: Modify to hit the intended time domain for the workout: two medium-duration pieces, roughly 10-15 minutes each, with a 3 minute break between.
Row: reduce the calories if you cannot maintain a pace of 11 calories per minute (660 cal/hr or roughly 2:30/500m pace)
Toes to bar: knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises.
DB snatches: reduce the weight to something you can do for at least 12-16 unbroken reps
Bar muscle-ups: cap each set at 2 minutes or make attempts, or complete 10 reps of a pulling movement — C2B, pull-ups, or ring rows — and 10 reps of a dip — rings, matador, or box.
Objective: The goal today is two 10-15 minute pieces with a quick break between. Make sure you’re hitting that target — don’t overreach such that the first part is taking closer to 20 minutes. Each couplet pairs descending reps of a movement that will elevate your heart rate and constant reps of a higher skill gymnastics element. Pace yourself through that first skill so that you’re able to get through it and the gymnastics without big breaks.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 10.5
Name game: If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 12 minute EMOM
3 power cleans
*Build as you go. Start touch-and-go and switch to quick singles if needed.
WOD: 12 minute EMOM
Odds: 8 double KB front squats 24/16 + max reps double KB front rack walking lunge 24/16 (L+R=2)
Evens: :15 hollow hold + max reps v-ups
How to scale: Modify so that you have at least 35-40 seconds each round for lunges or v-ups.
Kettlebell skills: Reduce the weight, using the same KBs for both the squats and the lunges. You should be able to do all 8 squats in a row and go the full minute without dropping the kettlebells.
Hollow hold: Pick a version you can do for :15 without breaking, either by bending one or both knees or switching to a plank hold.
V-ups: Modify to tuck-ups or sit-ups such that you’re able to do at least 10-15 reps in a row.
Objective: The power clean work today operates on the same principle as the snatch work last week: use it to practice cycling, but end up at a heavy triple, even if that means abandoning touch-and-go reps. The intervals in the workout alternate quad-focused and core-focused skills, but expect the latter to begin interfering with the former as your midline becomes more fatigued.
Score: max clean triple & total lunges + total v-ups
Friday 10.6
Name game: What’s your favorite variety of apple?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 100m run, 10 banded strict press, 10 rocking tables, 2 wall walks
Strength: strict press 5×3
WOD: 14 minute AMRAP
200m run
15 handstand push-ups
10m handstand walk
How to scale: Modify the handstand work in ways that help you make progress toward the more advanced skills.
Run: Reduce the distance if 200m will take you longer than about 1:15.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 abmats, do 6-8 negatives, or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Handstand walk: spend up to 1 minute per round accumulating as much distance as you can, do 20 shoulder taps against the wall, walk around a box with your feet elevated, or sub a 20m bear crawl.
Objective: For the strict press it’s your choice if you want to use the same weight for all 5 sets or build toward a 3 rep max. For the workout, focus on skill over score — if you’re still working on one or both of the handstand-based movements, choose a scale that’s going to help you progress rather than maximizing your score.
Score: strict press weights and rounds & reps
Saturday 10.7
Name game: What (American) football team do you root for?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
24 chest-to-bar pull-ups
18 burpee box jump overs 30/24
12 deadlifts 275/185
*one partner works at a time, divide the work as desired
How to scale: Pick options you can consistently do for 4-8 reps at a time.
Chest to bar pull-ups: Do regular pull-ups or ring rows. If you do banded pull-ups, make them chest to bar.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight-arm burpees and jump to a lower box or step up.
Deadlifts: Reduce the weight to something that is challenging for 4-6 reps in a row.
Objective: This partner workout offers total flexibility in how you share the work with your partner, so use that to work to your strengths and ensure that one of you is always working.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 10.8
Strength: 15 minute EMOM 3 back squats @ 80%
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