Monday 10.3
Name game: Without an alarm clock, what time would you wake up naturally?
Warm up: 400m run then work up to your front squat weight
WOD: 20 minute ascending AMREP:
200m run
2, 4, 6, etc.
front squats 165/115 (racks allowed)
Lifestyle: use a front squat weight you can do for at least 8-10 reps in a row
Accessory: Alternating tabata for 12 rounds (6 minutes) of ring L-sit hold and ring rows (scale L sit to ring support hold or hollow hold)
Objective: Last week we squatted heavy, then ran fast. This week we’re running and then squatting with fatigued legs and an elevated heart rate. Find a steady pace on the run that lets you get right to work on the front squats every round. Try to keep the front squats unbroken for as long as you’re able.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 10.4
Name game: If someone handed you $1 million, what is the first thing you’d buy?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then 3 rounds of 10 good mornings, 5 inchworms with a push-up
Strength: snatch grip deadlift – work up to a heavy single for the day
WOD: 2 minutes on, 1 minute off for 4 rounds:
40m double KB front rack carry 24/16
Max rep handstand push-ups
Lifestyle: 20/12, pike push-ups or z-press
Extra credit: 3×20 calorie bike, rest 1 minute
Objective: Snatch grip deadlifts are great for grip strength and for strengthening all the muscles in your posterior chain as well as helping you form good habits for regular deadlifts and full snatches. The workout is a test of shoulder endurance. Try to keep a good rack position for all of the carries.
Score: max snatch grip DL & total HSPU
Wednesday 10.5
Name game: What’s the furthest you’ve rowed in one sitting?
Warm up: 2 minute bike row then rounds of 10 scapular pull-ups, 10 sit-up to straddle, 10 pass throughs
WOD: Every 5 minutes for 6 rounds:
Odds: max distance row
Evens: for quality:
5 strict ring muscle-ups
10 strict chin-ups
15 strict knees to elbows
Lifestyle: reduce the reps on the gymnastics skills or scale to strict C2B or regular pull-ups; banded chin-ups or ring rows; and strict knee raises.
Accessory (optional): 3-5 x 60m heavy farmers carry
Objective: Monday was lifting under fatigue; today is strict gymnastics under fatigue. Row hard, then prioritize moving well on the skill portion over finishing the prescribed reps every round, especially since these are skills we don’t see very often.
Score: distance rowed in each interval
Thursday 10.6
Name game: What type of video are you most likely to watch on YouTube?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds: 1 power clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
WOD: “Grettel”
10 rounds for time *10 minute cap
3 clean & jerks 135/95
3 bar-facing burpees
Lifestyle: use the same weight you would for Grace; straight-arm burpee/step over
Objective: The strength work today is clean & jerks with an emphasis on the jerk. As always, make sure your technique is good before going up in weight. “Grettel” is a newer variation on the workout “Grace,” and like Grace it should also be a sprint. Average times are around 7 minutes. Check 2/22/21 in SugarWOD to see your previous score.
Score: max complex weight & time to complete
Friday 10.7
Name game: What’s your favorite pumpkin-based food/drink?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jump rope skips, 10 kip swings, 10 pass throughs with a lunge
Skill: jump rope work – double unders, triple unders, etc.
WOD: 5 rounds for time *22 minute cap
50′ DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
25 pull-ups
Lifestyle: 40/25; reduce pull-ups to 15-20 per round or do ring rows.
Objective: This is a grip-intensive workout that has previously appeared on Try to keep moving the whole time with only short breaks to shake out your arms. Scale down the pull-ups before you rip your hands.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 10.8
Name game: What actor would you cast to play you in a movie?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
wall walks
toes to bar
devils press 50/35
*Solo: halve the reps.
Lifestyle: partial wall walks, K2E, 40/25
Objective: Our weekly partner WOD has some big sets of skills that are easy to burn out on. Be smart about how you break up the work.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 10.9
Strength: 20 minute EMOM 5 front squats
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