Full Program October 31 to November 6
Monday 10.31
Name game: What’s your favorite Halloween candy (or what was when you were a kid)?
Warm up: For 5 minutes complete rounds of 20 jump rope skips, 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 5 burpees
Movement prep: review pistols. Focus on finding a scaling option that helps address your weaknesses on this skill (ankle, hamstring, or hip mobility, balance, strength, etc.).
WOD: 3 rounds for time *30 minute cap
100 double unders
50’/50’ single arm DB overhead walking lunge 50/35
30 alternating pistols
10 devils press 50/35
Lifestyle: single unders or double under practice capped at 2 minutes per round, 40/25# DBs, scale the pistols to address weaknesses. If you can do 30 reps in a row of your chosen scale, it’s too easy.
Accessory (optional): 3-5 x 60m heavy farmers carry
Objective: We have more single-leg work today in a workout full of challenging movements. Take advantage of the generous time cap to challenge yourself by using heavier weight than you usually do or by forcing yourself to work on a weakness. If this is a wheelhouse workout for you, aim for a time under 18 minutes.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 11.1
Name game: How often do you buy new clothes for yourself?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds of 10 pass throughs, 10 scap pull-ups, 10 kip swings
Skill/strength: 10 minute EMOM
Beginner: 3-5 strict banded pull-ups or ring rows
Intermediate: 3-5 strict pull-ups
Advanced: 3-5 strict chest to bar/chest to ring or weighted pull-ups
*Reps do not need to be unbroken
WOD: Every 3:30 for 6 rounds:
400m run or 24/18 calorie bike (Rx+ 500/400 row)
12 toes to bar
Lifestyle: Scale the T2B to a version of K2E or knee raise you can do for 12 reps in a row when fresh.
Objective: Consistency is the name of the game today. Try to stay unbroken on the toes to bar for as many rounds as you can, and remember that your only rest in this workout is earned by completing the run, bike, or row quickly and finishing the T2B efficiently. Your lats will already be fatigued from the strict pull-ups beforehand — and even more so if you opt to row — so focus on using a strong kip.
Score: slowest round time
Wednesday 11.2
Name game: Where’s the most embarrassing place you’ve fallen asleep accidentally?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM: 1 clean pull + 1 hang power clean
WOD: Open 15.4
AMREPs in 8 minutes
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24 etc.
Handstand push-ups
3-3-3-6-6-6-9-9-9 etc.
Power cleans 185/125
Lifestyle: 15.4 Scaled is an 8 minute AMRAP of 10 push presses 95/65, 10 power cleans 115/75. Alternatively, reduce the clean weight as needed and do z-press or pike push-ups.
Extra credit: bike or row 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off until 50 bike or 75 row calories are complete
Objective: We’re doing for cleans this week the same complex we did for snatches last week. The workout is an Open benchmark. The clean weight should be challenging but doable for quick singles. The reps on the handstand push-ups escalate quickly, so don’t get caught in the trap of trying to stay unbroken for too long.
Score: max complex weight & total reps
Thursday 11.3
Name game: What’s your favorite active recovery activity?
Warm up: coach led pvc/barbell
Strength: 8 minute EMOM: 1 snatch balance + 1 pause overhead squat (3 seconds at the bottom)
WOD: Two couplets, each for time
At 0:00:
Overhead squats 135/95
Box jumps 30/24
At 12:00:
Overhead squats 95/65
Lifestyle: Use an OHS weight you can do for at least 10 reps in a row for the first couplet; use a weight you can do unbroken for the second. 24/20 box jumps, ring rows or jumping pull-ups.
Objective: Lots of overhead squats today! Use the strength portion to work on technique and get a sense for how you might scale the weights for the workout. Both of these couplets should be relatively quick, so choose your weights accordingly. Much like Tuesday’s workout, you create your own rest, but make sure you don’t completely empty the tank on the first couplet since the goal is to complete the second couplet as unbroken as possible.
Score: max complex weight & time for each couplet
Friday 11.4
Name game: What’s the most elaborate food/meal you’ve made from scratch?
Warm up: coach-led track
Skill: handstands/inverted burpees
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
40m bear crawl (Rx+ 20m handstand walk)
300m row
20 burpees
1 minute plank hold
*start on any movement to share ergs
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees
Objective: This is a longer workout with fairly simple movements. Aim for a consistent pace from round to round and use the planks to recover. Try to finish at least 4 rounds.
Score: rounds & reps (count plank as 60)
Saturday 11.5
Name game: What mythical creature do you wish were real?
Warm up: 3 rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 5 rope knee raises, 5 inchworms, then coach-led barbell
WOD: with a partner, 3 rounds of 8 minutes on, 2 minutes off, for max reps
Round 1:
100 deadlifts 185/125
Max rope climbs
Round 2:
100 hang power cleans 135/95
Max rope climbs
Round 3:
100 shoulder to overhead 95/65
Max rope climbs
Lifestyle: choose weights you can do for 10+ reps in a row; partial rope climbs or 4 hanging knee raises
Objective: The weights you’re doing for the buy-in movements each round should be relatively light for you, so make a plan with your partner to do sets of 5-10 and swap off before you start to slow down. For most teams, alternating single rope climbs will be the best strategy.
Score: total rope climbs
Sunday 11.6
Strength: 15 min EMOM FS 3 reps w/ 2 sec pause last rep
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