Monday 10.7
Name game: What did you do for exercise before you started CrossFit?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every :45 for 16 sets
snatch pull + hang power snatch
WOD: 5 rounds for time *8 minute cap
6 deadlifts 275/185
2 rope climbs
How to scale: Modify to maintain the sprint stimulus of the workout.
Deadlifts: Pick a weight that would be heavy for a set of 10. You should be able to do these unbroken for all 5 rounds.
Rope climbs: Do 1 full or 2 partial climbs per round or sub 10 hanging knee raises. These should take less than :45 to complete.
Objective: We’re breaking snatches down into two parts for today’s strength EMOM: a pull from the ground, then a power snatch from the hang position. Focus on hitting full extension on both skills, and build in weight so long as you’re moving well. The workout is relatively heavy and relatively high skill, but it is a sprint, not a slog. Be realistic about your capacity to ensure you’re able to move through this couplet both quickly and safely.
Score: max snatch complex & time to complete
Tuesday 10.8
Name game: What’s something that you bought thinking you’d use a lot but in fact you rarely/never do?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of :30 bike, 10 box step-overs, 10 reverse lunges
Strength/skill: Superset for up to 5 rounds:
10-20 reps of a pistol progression (beginner), pistol (intermediate), or weighted pistol (advanced)
10/10 Bulgarian split squat (add weight as desired; scale to regular split squats if balance is an issue)
WOD: Three 3-minute AMRAPs, rest 3 minutes between
10/7 calorie Echo bike
10 burpee box jump overs 24/20
*pick up where you leave off
**If no Echo bikes are available, do 12/9 cals on the bike erg
How to scale: Do straight arm burpees and jump over a lower box. Do step-overs only in case of injury. Don’t scale the bike calories.
Objective: The focus today is on the single-leg skill work, making progress and accumulating some volume of single-leg squats and static split squats. The workout is three sprint intervals. You’re getting 1:1 rest, so push hard when it’s go time. Aim for a pace of 2+ rounds per interval.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 10.9
Name game: In what type of work environment are you most productive?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms w/ a push-up
WOD: 2 rounds for max reps
1 minute double unders
3 minutes pull-ups
1 minute double unders
3 minutes push-ups
1 minute double unders
3 minutes v-ups
rest 4 minutes
How to scale: Pick options that let you spend the majority of each interval working.
Double unders: Make attempts or do single-single-double.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
V-ups: Do tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Objective: It’s all bodyweight today, with two 12-minute rounds of pushing, pulling, and core mixed with sets of double unders. Try to keep your shoulders relaxed and your heart rate under control on the jump rope. From there, the workout becomes more about managing muscle fatigue. Three minutes is a long time to spend on these skills! Do small sets with short breaks from the start to avoid hitting failure, and have a plan B if you stop being able to achieve full range of motion on any of the skills.
Score: total reps
Thursday 10.10
Name game: How many miles is your drive to the gym?
Warm up: 400m run, 10m lizard walk, 10m duck walk, 10m stiff leg bear crawl; then work up to squat weight
WOD: Linchpin Test 5 (compare to 9/1/22)
For time *32 minute cap
20 back squats 225/155
2 mile run
20 back squats 225/155
*In case of injury/rain: 4000/3200 row; 200/140 calorie Echo bike; 8000/6400 bike erg
**In case of insufficient rack space, share with a buddy and start your workout once they finish their first set.
How to scale: Reduce the squat weight to one you can do for sets of 5+ reps at a time. Consider scaling the run to 1.5 miles if you cannot run a mile in under 12 minutes.
Objective: We’ve done a lot of squats in the past three weeks; now it’s time for a bit of a deload to apply that strength to a metcon. Your weight today should be lighter than your heavy sets of regular back squats last week. Play to your strengths: if you’re a strong squatter, do big sets and buy yourself lots of the time for the run; if you’re a good runner keep your squat sets manageable then push those two miles. In either case, make sure you have enough left in the tank for those final 20 squats.
Score: time to complete
Friday 10.11
Name game: Would you rather have a clown’s face or a clown’s big feet for the rest of your life?
Warm up: 2 minutes bike or row then 2-3 rounds of 10 banded pass throughs, 10 band pull-aparts, 10 banded strict press
Strength: push press 4×10
*Athlete’s choice to build in weight or use the same weight across
WOD: Every 1:15 for 10 rounds
Odds: 20/15 calorie row
Evens: max reps DB bench press 50/35
How to scale: Reduce the calories to be finished in under 1:05. Use lighter dumbbells such that you can do 10+ unbroken reps, at least to start.
Objective: We’re working on both vertical and horizontal pressing today. Similar to the 4x10s we’ve done on bench and strict press, it’s up to you if you want to build in weight or keep the same load for all 4 sets. The workout pairs the pull on the row with the horizontal press of the dumbbell bench. Make sure you’re taking breaks well short of failure so that you’re able to keep accumulating reps for the majority of each interval.
Score: max push press load & total DB bench reps
Saturday 10.12
Name game: What’s your favorite way to have a bagel?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
5 power cleans 155/105
10 pull-ups
5 front squats 155/105
10 toes to bar
15 bar-facing burpees
*Partners alternate every 15 reps
How to scale: Modify to keep your turns under 1:30.
Power cleans: Reduce the weight so that you can, at minimum, do 5 quick singles. If needed, go from the hang.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows. You should be able to do these unbroken or in two sets.
Front squats: Reduce the weight to do these unbroken.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. You should be able to do these unbroken or in two sets.
Bar-facing burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Objective: You’re splitting the work with your partner today, but you’re not getting any say in how that split works. Still, scaled correctly, this should result in each of you working approximately half of the time. This 1:1 rest means you should be moving fast and trying to stay unbroken when it’s your turn, and saving your rest for your partner’s turn.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 10.13
Strength: bench press 5×5; strict press 4×8
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