Monday 10.9
Name game: If you could choose any two famous people to have dinner with, who would they be?
Warm up: 2-3 minute run/bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: Oly total
25 minutes to find a 1 RM snatch followed by a 1 RM clean & jerk
How to scale: If you’re still working on technique, start one or both lifts from the hang by first deadlifting the bar up to your waist. You can also do sets of 3-5 reps at a time, working on consistency and technique, rather than trying for a max.
WOD: AMREPs in 8 minutes
3 minutes of snatches, 60% of today’s max
2 minutes rest
3 minutes of clean & jerks, 60% of today’s max
How to scale: perform either or both lifts from the hang if needed. If you did bigger sets rather than going for a max, use a weight you can do for 8-10 reps in a row.
Objective: Today is your chance to test your progress on the Olympic lifts and, if you’re feeling good, shoot for a new PR or two. Do the version of the lift that will let you move the most weight — power or squat, push jerk or split jerk. For the WOD you’ll be dropping the weight significantly, giving you a chance to also put our recent cycling work to the test. Try to hang on to the bar for multiple reps in a row of both lifts, and don’t forget your hook grip!
Score: Oly maxes & total reps
Tuesday 10.10
Name game: If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 5 squat to hip hinge + 5 narrow stance squats, 10 lunges with a twist
Movement prep: review pistols
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
2 rope climbs
20 Russian KBS 32/24
2 rope climbs
20 alternating pistol squats
*Start on any movement to facilitate sharing ropes and 32kg kettlebells
How to scale: Modify so you can move continuously for the full 20 minutes.
Rope climbs: Do 1 full or 2 partial rope climbs per set, or do 10 hanging knee raises from the rope or bar each set.
Kettlebell swings: Use a lighter weight. You should be able to complete each set of 20 unbroken or with 1 break.
Pistols: Go to a box or use a plate to elevate your heel.
Objective: Whereas yesterday was short and high intensity, today’s workout is a longer, sustained effort with several higher skill movements. Pick a pace and stick with it, aiming to complete 5+ rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 10.11
Name game: What’s the creepiest or most haunted place you’ve been?
Warm up: 1k partner rowling race
In teams of 2: partner A rows, trying to get to exactly 100m, then both partners do 1 burpee for every meter A is off by. Without resetting the monitor, partner B then rows, trying to get to exactly 200 meters. Again, both partners complete any resulting burpee penalty. Continue in this pattern – A rows to 300, B to 400, etc. The first team to get to 1000m wins. (If there is a team of 3, have 2 partners mirror each other and take the lower burpee penalty.)
WOD: “The Ghost”
6 rounds for max reps:
1 minute rowing
1 minute burpees
1 minute double unders
1 minute rest
How to scale: Modify so that you’re doing consistent work for 3 straight minutes each round and not taking big breaks. But, if you want a challenge, do full burpees or attempts at DUs knowing that the clock will save you.
Burpees: Straight-arm burpees.
Double unders: Do single-single-double or attempts, or do single unders, dividing total reps in half for scoring purposes.
Accessory: 3-5 rounds for quality:
12 dumbbell floor press
20 plank dumbbell pull-throughs
Objective: “The Ghost” is a benchmark with all bodyweight and cardio-based movements where your success will be dictated by how hard you can continue to push with a high heart rate. Note that its structure makes it very tempting for anyone relatively proficient with double unders to sandbag the burpees. You might get a higher score by gaming it in this way, but know that’s not the intended stimulus. The goal should be to make an equal effort on all three movements. See 8/18/22 for past results.
Score: total reps (note totals for each movement)
Thursday 10.12
Name game: If you could be guaranteed one thing in life (besides money), what would it be?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 PVC overhead squats, 10 kip swings
Strength: overhead squat 4×10
*use the same weight for all 4 sets
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
wall balls 20/14
How to scale: This is a quick workout. Choose modifications you can do for big sets, even when tired. If needed, reduce the rep scheme to 18-12-6-12-18.
Pull-ups: Do ring rows or banded pull-ups.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball or aim for a lower target.
Objective: Focus on the overhead squat today, where we’re going for 4 high-rep sets at a consistent load. If you know your max, aim for at least 65% of that. The workout should be quick. Try to keep the wall balls unbroken, hang on for big sets of pull-ups, and minimize wasted time on transitions.
Score: OHS weights & time to complete
Friday 10.13
Name game: What’s an irrational fear you have? (If it’s Friday the 13th it’s ‘friggatriskaidekaphobia’ or ‘paraskevidekatriaphobia’)
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 step-ups, 10 scap push-ups
WOD: 3 rounds for time *35 minute cap
800m run
30 push-ups
30 toes to bar
30 box jumps 24/20
How to scale: Modify the reps and range of motion to stay on pace to beat the cap. A pace of 5 minutes on the run and 2 minutes per bodyweight skill gets you in at 33 minutes.
Run: Reduce the distance to 600m if 800m will take longer than about 5 minutes. Sub a 1k row in case of injury.
Other skills: Drop reps to 20 per round if 30 will take longer than about 2 minutes.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises. If your hands are bothering you, do v-ups or tuck-ups.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box or do step-ups.
Objective: This is a long one — 1.5 miles of running, and 90 reps each of a push, a pull/hinge, and a jump. The goal here is for each round to take 8-12 minutes, so pace wisely and scale appropriately to make sure you’re hitting that target.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 10.14
Name game: What’s a movie you were excited to see but ended up disliking?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 20 rounds for time *30 minute cap
8/6 calorie bike
6 front rack lunges 155/105
4 devils presses 50/35
*alternate full rounds
**solo: 10 rounds, rest 1:1
How to scale: Modify so that each round is taking under 1:30 to complete.
Bike: Reduce the calories to be completed in under 40 seconds.
Lunges: Use lighter weight, keeping in mind that you also need to be able to clean that weight up to your shoulders. You should be able to do all 6 reps in a row.
Devils press: Use lighter dumbbells and do straight-arm burpees if needed. You should be able to do all 4 reps in a row.
Objective: Today you and your partner are taking turns sprinting. Scaled properly, you should be able to get through all of the movements unbroken, and each round should be taking less than 90 seconds to complete — and you should have roughly the same amount of time to recover before going again.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 10.15
Strength: 15 minute EMOM 3 bench press @ 80%
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