Monday 9.19
Name game: What is your preferred hot beverage?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row, then 3 rounds of 10 barbell good mornings, 10 air squats with a wide stance, 5 straight-arm burpees, and review the sumo deadlift and sumo deadlift high pull
Strength: work up to a heavy sumo deadlift for the day
WOD: 5 rounds for max reps:
:45 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
:15 rest
:45 lateral burpees over the bar
:15 rest
Lifestyle: 65/45, straight arm and step over. If you dislike SDLHP, do sumo deadlifts at 135/95.
Extra credit: 3x500m row; rest 1 minute between intervals.
Objective: We’re working on a couple of deadlift variations in the next few weeks, and the sumo deadlift is up first. The wider stance shortens the range of motion and allows you to move heavier weight, but as always, make sure your technique is dialed in before loading up. Each interval in the workout is close to a sprint: go hard, but at a level of effort you can sustain through all five rounds.
Score: max sumo deadlift & total reps for each movement
Tuesday 9.20
Name game: What is one gymnastics skill you’d like to work on more?
Warm up: 2-3 minutes of double under practice and review skills being tested
Skill tests:
- Max set of strict pull-ups (standard: as long you remain hanging, your set is still going)
- Max time L-sit hold on parallettes (standard: place a 45# plate on the ground in front of the parallettes. Hold ends if heels touch the plate)
- Max set of push-ups (standard: as long as you remain in a plank position, your set is still going)
Complete these in any order and make sure you take adequate rest between tests. Make multiple attempts if desired.
Lifestyle: banded pull-ups or ring rows; tuck sit, hollow body, or plank hold; box push-ups. If you can do a single rep of any of the skills as prescribed, do that first, then try for a bigger set using one of the scaling options.
WOD: 14 minute AMRAP
48 double unders
12 toes to bar
6/6 single arm DB hang power clean & jerk 50/35
Lifestyle: DU attempts/single-single-double, or single unders; K2E; 40/25
Accessory (optional): 3-5 sets of 10 DB bicep curls, 10 DB skull crushers or get some rowing done
Objective: The skill portion today serves as a baseline test to see where you stand on certain bodyweight skills. For the workout, try to pick scaling options that let you go unbroken for the early rounds.
Score: pull-up reps, push-up reps, L-sit time, and rounds & reps
Wednesday 9.21
Name game: What’s your favorite: arm day, leg day, or rest day?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 reverse lunges, 10 squat to hip hinge, 15/15 calf stretch on rig
Movement prep: review pistols & med ball cleans
WOD: For time *30 minute cap
Calorie row (or 32-24-16-8 Echo bike)
Med ball cleans 20/14
*to share rowers, some athletes can start on pistols
Lifestyle: skater squats, 14/10.
Accessory (optional): 3-5x 60m heavy farmers carry
Objective: All quads today! Row hard but leave something in the tank for the two squatting movements that follow. Take advantage of the generous time cap to challenge yourself and move well: don’t cheat the range of motion on the pistols or med ball cleans, and try to pick a harder pistol scale than you typically do.
Note: If you’re doing the C2 challenge, the row monitor can be set to show both meters and calories.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 9.22
Name game: What is your favorite fall activity?
Warm up: 400m run then work through kipping progressions/review MUs
WOD: For time *20 minute cap
800m run
30 ring muscle-ups
800m run
Lifestyle: reduced reps RMU/count attempts; bar muscle-ups; 30 MU transitions on low rings; 30 reps of a challenging pull-up variation and 30 reps of a challenging dip variation, ideally something you can do for no more than 3-5 reps at a time.
Accessory: 8 minute EMOM
Odds: 40 second hollow hold
Evens: max v-ups
Objective: 30 muscle-ups is a benchmark workout on its own, but here it’s sandwiched within a one mile run. Run hard — your legs will be getting a nice break — and try to chip away at the muscle-ups with consistent sets and quick breaks.
Score: time to complete
Friday 9.23
Name game: Would you rather be able to read minds or see the future?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM 1 squat clean
WOD: “The Chief”
Five 3-minute AMRAPs with 1 minute rest between; restart the AMRAP each interval
3 power cleans 135/95
6 push-ups
9 air squats
Lifestyle: 95/65, box push-ups
Objective: You have a chance to work up to a heavy squat clean before taking on a fun benchmark workout. These rounds should go quickly: if you’re not getting at least 3 rounds per interval, scale down the clean weight or scale the push-ups, but try to preserve the original rep scheme. The average score for this workout is about 20 rounds. Check 8/17/21 in SugarWOD to see your past results.
Score: max clean weight and rounds & reps for each interval
Saturday 9.24
Name game: What 1 movie would you bring with you for a year on a deserted island?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In teams of 3, 30 minute AMRAP:
100 power snatches 95/65
100 handstand push-ups
100 pull-ups
100 box jumps 24/20
Max calorie bike
*two teammates work through the AMRAP working one at a time; one teammate bikes. Rotate every 20 calories.
** solo: alternate 20 calories on the bike and 2 minutes of work on the AMRAP. Drop the reps to 35 each. In a team of 2, drop reps to 70 each.
Lifestyle: 75/55, pike push-ups or z-press, ring rows, step-ups
Objective: You have a lot of reps of each movement here, but splitting them into smaller sets with each partner is still the best strategy. Like last Saturday, the partner on the machine is also contributing to the total score, so make a good effort on the bike.
Score: total calories & total reps of the AMRAP
Sunday 9.25
Strength: 1 RM back squat & 1 RM deadlift
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