Monday 9.2
Name game: When was your last day off from work (before today)?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: “Badger”
3 rounds for time *40 minute cap
30 squat cleans 95/65
30 pull-ups
800m run
How to scale: This is a hero WOD, so challenge yourself to the extent that you safely can. Newer athletes can reduce the volume as needed: 15-20 cleans and pull-ups; 400-600m run.
Cleans: Reduce the load to one you can do for at least 8-10 touch-and-go reps. If needed, do power or hang power cleans followed by front squats.
Pull-ups: Do ring rows, banded pull-ups, or jumping pull-ups.
Run: Most athletes can do this as written, but consider reducing the distance to keep each run under 6 minutes.
Objective: It’s a Labor Day hero WOD. This one is deceptive. The weight is light and the movements are simple, but those big sets will have your legs and shoulders burning, and the run won’t offer much relief. Break your sets up strategically from the start to avoid hitting a wall halfway through.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 9.3
Name game: If today was your first day of school, what would you bring for show-and-tell?
Warm up: For 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jump rope, 10 pass throughs, 5 dive-bomber push-ups
WOD: For total double unders:
In 6 minutes:
strict handstand push-ups
max reps DU in remaining time
Rest 1 minute
In 6 minutes:
strict ring dips
max reps DU in remaining time
Rest 1 minute
In 6 minutes:
max reps DU in remaining time
How to scale: Modify so that you get time on the jump rope in every interval. No kipping.
Strict HSPU: Use 1-2 ab-mats, reduce reps no lower than 9-6-3, do 6-4-2 controlled negatives, or do z-press or pike push-ups.
Ring dips: Support your feet on a box or use a band, matador bars, or boxes.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
Double unders: Do single-single-doubles, make attempts, or do single unders.
Objective: Your shoulders and core are being put to the test in 3 intervals of strict pressing, sit-ups, and double unders. Don’t underestimate the impact of core fatigue on maintaining good positions in those strict skills, and focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed on the jump rope. Make sure you’re modifying appropriately to have time for jump rope in every interval.
Score: total double unders
Wednesday 9.4
Name game: What’s your preferred brand/type of shoe for CrossFit?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: bike (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP 6 squats to hip hinge, 6 KB sumo DLs, 6 KB goblet squats
WOD: 4 rounds, each for time *4 minute cap per round
15/12 calorie Echo bike
15 double KB deadlifts 24/16
15 double KB front squats 24/16
15/12 calorie Echo bike
*rest up to 4 minutes between rounds, or while a bike-sharing partner goes
How to scale: Reduce the bike calories to take under 1 minute for the first set of each round, and reduce the kettlebell weight so that you can do those skills unbroken.
Objective: The “sprinterval” makes its periodic appearance. We’re going for 4 hard efforts today. Hold a tiny bit back on the first bike, try to hang on for unbroken kettlebell skills, and sprint to the finish once you’re back on the bike.
Score: slowest round (record all 4 in SugarWOD)
Thursday 9.5
Name game: At what time do you usually have your first meal of the day?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 band pull-aparts, 10 rocking tables, 10 scap pull-ups
Strength: bench press 10-10-10-10
*athlete’s choice to build or use the same weight across
WOD: For quality, 10 minutes of:
7 strict knees to elbow
5 strict chin-ups
3 pullovers
Extra credit: Hop on your choice of bike or row and go for 10-15 minutes at a moderate pace just faster than conversational. (Note: optionally, skip the WOD and instead go for 25-30 minutes on the bike or row.)
How to scale: In addition to the recommendations below, reducing the reps (6-4-2; 5-3-1) is an option to keep yourself moving.
Knees to elbow: Do strict knee raises, getting your knees as far above your hips as possible.
Chin-ups: Use a band or do rows on a racked barbell with a supinated grip.
Pullovers: Make attempts or sub 3 strict pull-ups + 3 strict toes to bar or 6 candlesticks with a controlled descent.
Objective: There’s a lot of intensity in the rest of the week, but today is a chance to take a step back from that, move some weight, and get in some solid pressure-free strict gymnastics work. If you have some extra time after class, add on some engine-building steady state cardio!
Score: max bench load
Friday 9.6
Name game: What’s your preferred flavor of gum?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds.
1 power snatch + 4 overhead lunges
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
100 wall balls 20/14
100 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35
*partition as desired
How to scale: Pick loads you can do consistently for sets of 10+ reps at a time.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball and/or aim for a lower target.
Dumbbell snatch: Use a lighter dumbbell.
Objective: It’s a big range of motion sort of day, so your whole body is invited to the party. The snatch complex is a good chance to work on overhead stability with fewer mobility demands than with overhead squats. Build in weight as long as you’re moving well. The WOD is choose-your-own-adventure, and the better your engine, the bigger sets you’ll be able to manage; a descending rep scheme (e.g. 30-20-15-15-10-10) can also work well to build in more frequent breaks as fatigue increases. Average 13+ reps per minute to beat the cap.
Score: max complex & time to complete
Saturday 9.7
Name game: Would you rather be able to shoot rainbows from your eyes or fire from your eyes?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, two 15-minute rounds of
2000m row
AMRAP in remaining time:
20 burpee box jumps 24/20
20 burpee pull-ups
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
**Split all work as desired; pick up AMRAP where you leave off. Solo: In each interval, row 2x500m, resting 1:1, then AMRAP 10 of each movement. Rx+ full row & reps solo.
How to scale: Sub straight arm burpees and go to a lower box and/or pull-up bar if needed. If you can’t get your chin over the bar, do burpees + ring rows.
Objective: Here’s a good chance to get a sense of your rowing pace for the Swolestice, splitting two 2k intervals with a partner as a buy-in to a couplet of burpee skills. Remember that row transitions are time consuming but switching off on the other skills is not. Try to attack the rows in chunks of at least 500m at a time and switch on the other skills before your pace starts to slow down.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 9.8
Strength: Back Squat:
1×4 @ 60% of 1RM
1×4 @ 70% of 1RM
1×4 @ 80% of 1RM
1×3 @ 90% of 1RM
2×4 @ 90% of 1RM
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