Monday 9.23
Name game: What’s something that made you smile recently?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 scap push-ups, 5 inchworms
WOD: Open 21.1 (compare to: 1/19/23, 11/24/21, 3/13/21)
For time *15 minute cap
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double unders
*Rx: men start with hands on line 60” from wall; women from line 55” from wall. Both go to a line 10” from the wall.
How to scale: The official scaled version is the same rep scheme of single unders and partial wall walks. Make additional modifications as needed.
Strength/skill: 8 minute EMOM
Odds: max strict pull-ups in :40
Evens: max strict T2B in :40
How to scale: Use a band or do a challenging ring row for the pull-ups; do strict knees to chest or strict knee raises for the toes to bar.
Objective: We’re flipping the usual strength-then-wod order of operations today to give you a chance to test or retest this past Open workout in your freshest state. Whether you’ve already done this several times or this is your first attempt, the best strategy is to work through the rounds of 1, 3, and 6 quickly, then take strategic breaks on the larger sets. Once that’s done, there’s a quick EMOM of strict gymnastics to finish the day. Aim to get at least 5 reps of your chosen skill in each 40-second interval.
Score: time to complete or reps at cap
Tuesday 9.24
Name game: Tell us how you really feel about running.
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 air squats, 5 monsters walks, 10 down dog w/ alternating toe touch
Strength: pause back squat 5×5 (3 second pause at bottom)
*same load all 5 sets
WOD: For time:
1 mile run (compare to 9/27/22; this time trial was also following pause squats)
*In case of rain or injury: 2k row or 100 cal bike. “But I hate running”: 1 mile run.
Objective: This week’s squats eliminate the tempo on the descent but still have a pause at the bottom, so try to go a little bit heavier than last week and still keep yourself honest on the pause. The workout couldn’t be simpler: just run. Don’t go out too hot, focus on maintaining speed during the middle 800m, then push with whatever you have left on the final 400m.
Score: back squat load & time to complete
Wednesday 9.25
Name game: What should replace pumpkin spice as the go-to flavor for everything fall-related?
Warm up: For 4 minutes, rounds of :30 bike, 10 box step-ups, 5 DB deadlifts
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
30 alternating DB hang power snatches 50/35 (1 DB)
30 box jumps 24/20
30 DB hang power cleans 50/35 (2 DBs)
30/24 calorie Echo bike
*start on any movement to share bikes
How to scale: Modify to minimize the need for extended breaks, particularly by reducing the load on the dumbbell skills to allow for sets of 10+ reps at a time.
DB skills: Reduce the weight. If you struggle switching hands on the DB snatch, do 3 sets of 5 on each arm.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box or plate. Sub step-ups in case of injury.
Bike: Don’t scale this! Everyone should push to do the Rx calories today.
Objective: The goal today: just keep moving. The two dumbbell skills are from the hang, which creates an added cost to taking breaks, so try to knock those out in relatively large sets. On both the box and the bike, there is a pace at which anyone can keep going without redlining, so figure out what that is for you and try to stick with it. The target today is a score of around 3 full rounds. Everyone should aim to complete at least 2; a score approaching 4+ would be exceptional.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 9.26
Name game: Would you rather your workdays be nonstop meetings or have zero human interaction?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 med ball thrusters
Strength: strict press 4×10
*athlete’s choice to build in weight or use the same load across
WOD: 2 minutes on, 1 minute off for 4 rounds
3 rope climbs
max reps wall balls 20/14
How to scale: Ensure you’re getting at least :30 to do wall balls each round.
Rope climbs: Do 2 reps, 3 partial climbs, or 1 minute of hanging knee raises each round.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball and/or aim for a lower target.
Objective: Lots of shoulders today. Similar to the bench press a few weeks back, we’re doing some solid volume on the strict press, leaving it up to you if you want to use the same weight or build over the course of your four sets. For the workout, take advantage of power from your hips and legs to minimize how much the rope climbs and wall balls are taxing your already tired shoulders.
Score: strict press load & total wall balls
Friday 9.27
Name game: What’s your favorite rice-based dish?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every :30 for 8 minutes
1 power clean
WOD: 3 rounds for time *18 minute cap
25 power cleans 115/75
25 bar-facing burpees
How to scale: Modify to finish under the cap. If needed, reduce the reps to 3 rounds of 20 or 15.
Power cleans: Pick a weight you’re capable of doing for 10+ touch-and-go reps.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and or step over the bar.
Objective: The same advice that applied to last Tuesday’s double-speed snatch EMOM applies to today’s cleans. Start with a moderate load and plan in advance the jumps in weight you’ll make every 3-6 reps, assuming you’re moving well. The workout is going to burn. Try to hang on for bigger sets of touch-and-go cleans, then get into a rhythm on the burpees and keep chipping away.
Score: max power clean & time to complete
Saturday 9.28
Name game: If you were looking to make a little extra money, what would your ideal side hustle be?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
80 calorie row
80 pull-ups
80 overhead squats 95/65
60 calorie row
60 pull-ups
60 power snatches 95/65
40 calorie row
40 pull-ups
40 squat snatches 95/65
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired
How to scale: Reduce the barbell weight to allow for sets of 10+ overhead squats and 5+ power snatches. If needed, modify to front or back squats and hang power snatches. Any standard pull-up scale works today: jumping, banded, or ring rows.
Objective: We’re ending the week with a long partner chipper with a recurring pulling theme through rounds of rowing, pull-ups, and snatch-based skills. Break the rows into sets of 15-20 calories at a time, and aim for sets of at least 5-10 reps at a time on the pull-ups and barbell skills. Finishing will be a challenge — it requires averaging 15+ reps per minute — but see how close you can come.
Score: time to complete or reps at cap (total is 540)
Sunday 9.29
Strength: Strict Press: 5×5 @ 65% to 75%
Push Press: 5×7 @ 65% to 75%
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