Monday 9.9
Name game: Are you more likely to be waiting for someone else or to have someone else waiting for you?
Warm up: 400m run then 3 rounds of 10 band pass throughs, 10 band strict press
push press 10-8-6-4-2
push jerk 1-1-1
WOD: AMREPs in 15 minutes
400m run
max reps strict press 75/55
How to scale: Reduce the strict press weight to one you can do for 10+ reps when fresh.
Objective: A few weeks back, we built in weight across sets of strict press and push press; today we’re following a similar progression with push presses and push jerks. Aim to build in weight for each of your eight working sets. The workout is similar to the benchmark “Nicole,” but rather than maxing out a pulling skill you’ll be maxing out a pressing skill. Run hard enough to not lose tons of time there, but make sure you’re ready to pick up your barbell as soon as you’re done.
Score: max jerk & total strict press
Tuesday 9.10
Name game: What’s the most comfortable pair of shoes you own?
Warm up: 2 minutes of cardio then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds
1 power clean + 3 front squats
WOD: For time with a partner *20 minute cap
10 rounds of 20/15 Echo bike calories
*Each partner does 5 rounds. Solo: 5 rounds, rest 1:1.
How to scale: Reduce the calories if you cannot finish 20/15 in under 2 minutes.
Objective: Our weekly partner WOD comes on a Tuesday this week, but the focus is the clean/front squat complex that will offer the heaviest squat volume of the week, ahead of some extended back squat work starting next week. Try to get heavy, then get ready to sprint with your partner.
Score: max complex & time to complete
Wednesday 9.11
Name game: What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen a neighbor do?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row
Evens: 8 sit-ups to straddle, 8 scap push-ups, 8 kip swings
WOD: 4 rounds, 1 minute per station, :10 transition, for max calories
Minute 1: 15 parallette shoot-throughs
Minute 2: max calorie row
Minute 3: 25 push-ups
Minute 4: max calorie row
Minute 5: 15 toes to bar
Minute 6: max calorie row
How to scale: Modify the shoulder and core skills, either by reducing reps or selecting easier versions, to finish within the minute each time.
Shoot throughs: Use boxes or benches.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises; sub v-ups or tuck-ups to avoid ripped hands.
Objective: Amidst a sea of medium-duration and sprint-style workouts, this is our longest day of the week. Push the pace on the row, then plan out your breaks on the pressing and core movements so that you’re not approaching failure later in the workout or toward the end of each set. Aside from the transition time, there’s no built-in rest here, so pace the first round and evaluate from there if you can speed up.
Score: total calories
Thursday 9.12
Name game: Are cookies better when they’re soft and chewy or thin and crunchy?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 8 pass throughs with a lunge, 8 PVC overhead squats, 4 inchworms
Strength: 8 working sets of the complex
1 snatch balance + 3 overhead squats
WOD: For time *11 minute cap
dumbbell burpee deadlifts 50/35
C2B pull-ups
How to scale: Pick modifications you can do for sets of at least 5-7 reps at a time.
DB burpee deadlifts: Do straight arm burpees and/or use lighter dumbbells.
C2B pull-ups: Do banded or jumping chest to bar, kipping pull-ups, or ring rows. Do strict pull-ups or horizontal ring rows if your goal is to avoid ripped hands.
Objective: Tuesday was cleans and front squats; today we’re adding some overhead squats to snatch technique work. Build in weight if you’re comfortable with these skills; otherwise, get in lots of reps at lighter loading. The workout is a quick couplet that’s a scaled up version of “bodyweight Fran,” aka burpees and pull-ups. Still try to keep this one quick.
Score: max complex weight & time to complete
Friday 9.13
Name game: What’s the worst advice your parents gave you?
Warm up: jump rope tabata then coach-led TGU review
Strength/skill: Turkish get-ups
Find a heavy single on each side
WOD: 16 minute AMRAP
25 Russian kettlebell swings 24/16
50 double unders
100’ bear crawl
How to scale: Take it easy if you’re doing the Swolestice tomorrow. Otherwise, modify to finish 4+ rounds.
Kettlebell swings: Use a lighter kettlebell.
Double unders: Spend a minute per round practicing/accumulating single-single-doubles or sub 100 single unders.
Bear crawl: Reduce the distance if you can’t complete unbroken 25’ segments.
Objective: Turkish get-ups only come up a few times per year, so today is your chance to see how much weight you can move with this full-body skill. The workout is a simple, mostly bodyweight AMRAP. Try to keep moving at a steady pace the whole time.
Score: rounds & reps
Saturday 9.14
Summer Swolestice! No classes today.
Sunday 9.15
No strength class today. There will be Open Gym and a free restorative yoga class from 10 to 11:15 a.m.
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